Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
What about stuff like weightlifting? No skill involved at all, just pure strength.

Before you can debate what constitutes a sport you need to define what a sport is. The Oxford dictionary suggests "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or a team competes against another or others for entertainment". Darts requires a small amount of physical exertion, no less than a weightlifter requires a small amount of skill. I'd argue darts is more entertaining than weightlifting.
Whilst weightlifting is incredibly tedious the people involved have strength , power , flexibility etc

Apart from one or two the vast majority of darts players exhibit little in the way of athletic physiques

In fact some of them are obese

From time to time in football , rugby , athletics , cricket , etc you might see an out of shape competitor but it's very rare

The reason why you see overweight darts players , snooker players and fisherman is because you don't have to be very fit , if at all , to compete