I have noticed that one of my former work colleagues had recently unfriended me. I thought I hadn’t seen any of her posts for a while and that’s why I then looked her up. I haven’t interacted with her that much but have done a few likes on her posts every now and then. The thing is I was thinking perhaps she is just weeding out friends but then I noticed every single person from my former work place is still on her friends list. It sounds funny but I feel abit strange about it all. There is no history nothing bad between me and her we were just work colleagues and got on well enough. I just don’t understand why me? I’m really not too bothered but Facebook is a funny place isn’t it!

In terms of my own posts mostly are positive - I’ve posted a couple about the effects that my illness has on me and people with the condition but nothing too depressing. Was it a mistake or did she just not like me?