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Thread: Council results

  1. #1

    Council results

    Looks grim for the tories in blue so far, but the tories in red are doing well.

  2. #2

    Re: Council results

    I live in East Herts, massive swing away from the Tories, mostly to the greens. Not entirely unexpected as lots wouldn't vote Labour and the Lib Dems are so meh at the moment that even though they are the natural 'protest' they aren't really a convincing option. But the scale of the Tory collapse is unbelievable. Tory controlled all but one term during the 30+ years I have lived here. They won all 50 seats in 2015.

  3. #3

    Re: Council results

    yeah this isn't looking good for the tories, maybe they need another leadership contest

  4. #4

    Re: Council results

    They were saying the other day that any more than 600 Tory losses would be a worse than expected result .

    Now they're talking about 700 losses and I've even seen 1000 being mentioned.

    Senior tories are saying we need to cut taxes to stimulate growth - didn't they already try that?

  5. #5

    Re: Council results

    The real election is what matters

    I want to see the Tories absolutely battered but I think at best it may be a labour liberal coalition

    The Tories have an 80 seat majority to overturn its a big ask

    Largest party is what Labour need to aim for

  6. #6

    Re: Council results

    Shit night for the Conservatives and a good night for Labour. That is pretty standard with local elections mind, where the party in power in Westminster very often gets a kicking.

    That said, it's real results. It gives credibility to the opinion polls and undeniably shifts the balance of power towards Labour and also the Lib Dems.

    I don't think it changes anything from last week though. We knew this would happen. Turnouts are low and people do vote differently in local elections.

    For me the big thing is that it's a race against time for Rishi Sunak. Global economic conditions should be far better for the next 18 months than the last 3 years and a lot of the criticism thrown at them (inflation etc) will likely dissipate, allowing for some targeted tax cuts and growth whilst keeping unemployment low etc

    Labour still on course to win, but I don't think yesterdays result change that much at all really

  7. #7

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Shit night for the Conservatives and a good night for Labour. That is pretty standard with local elections mind, where the party in power in Westminster very often gets a kicking.

    That said, it's real results. It gives credibility to the opinion polls and undeniably shifts the balance of power towards Labour and also the Lib Dems.

    I don't think it changes anything from last week though. We knew this would happen. Turnouts are low and people do vote differently in local elections.

    For me the big thing is that it's a race against time for Rishi Sunak. Global economic conditions should be far better for the next 18 months than the last 3 years and a lot of the criticism thrown at them (inflation etc) will likely dissipate, allowing for some targeted tax cuts and growth whilst keeping unemployment low etc

    Labour still on course to win, but I don't think yesterdays result change that much at all really
    Yes, prospects for the next 18 months are looking tickety boo.

  8. #8

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Yes, prospects for the next 18 months are looking tickety boo.
    Well the last 3 years included the greatest economic shock since world war 2 and then Europe's two largest countries going to war.

    I think we all hope the next 18 months are more stable than that!

  9. #9

    Re: Council results

    Concerning UK unemployment, this BBC article from March is an eye-opener. Unemployment: Who are the millions of Britons not working? - https://www.bbc.com/news/business-52660591

    It says, 'about a quarter of people of working-age - around 10 million people - don't currently have jobs,' then later on, 'officially, about 1.3 million people in the UK were unemployed.'

    Effectively then, there's really approaching 8 times more working-age people who are unemployed than what the official figures - which is defined and manipulated by government setting a very narrow criteria - would have us believe.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Well the last 3 years included the greatest economic shock since world war 2 and then Europe's two largest countries going to war.

    I think we all hope the next 18 months are more stable than that!
    Yes and the effects will ripple , cannot wait for the next General Election , it will hinge on those not wanting to vote for Labour and Tories ,where will they go ,will folk warm more to Rishi Sunak as the polls are suggesting , will times get better , will greens take more , will SNP recover all by 28 January 2025 the latest date the next GE can be called ... its going to be brutal on here and out there

  11. #11

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The real election is what matters

    I want to see the Tories absolutely battered but I think at best it may be a labour liberal coalition

    The Tories have an 80 seat majority to overturn its a big ask

    Largest party is what Labour need to aim for
    Seeing as the SNP are somewhere between opposing same sex marriage and allowing male rapists to identify as women to get into a woman's prison - you would think Labour would being getting all those seats in Scotland at the next election

    Unfortunately Sir Beer Korma cant seem to work out if a woman can actually have a penis or not or whether Eddy izzard can go on the all woman panel as a prospective MP.

    If Labour can sort it out then Sir Keir should be a shoe in for the next election. It'll then be the Tories chance to leave a note saying "all the money's gone" - nothing seems to ever change

  12. #12

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Well the last 3 years included the greatest orchestrated economic shock in living memory and then Europe's two largest countries were pushed into war by the USA.

    I think we all hope the next 18 months are more stable than that, but they probably won't be.

  13. #13

    Re: Council results

    past 600 Tory losses with 30% of the results still to come in

  14. #14

    Re: Council results

    Tories have lowered expectations to such an extent that 800 losses will be portrayed as not that bad - that’s codswallop, but will Labour really be that pleased with their showing? Good results for Lib Dems and Greens.

  15. #15

    Re: Council results

    Bad as it is,there are another 5-6 front benchers that haven't had a turn at being PM

  16. #16

    Re: Council results

    Looks like I underestimated the Tory losses, they’re over 800 losses with forty still to declare.

  17. #17

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Tories have lowered expectations to such an extent that 800 losses will be portrayed as not that bad - that’s codswallop, but will Labour really be that pleased with their showing? Good results for Lib Dems and Greens.
    i think labour will definitely be pleased, the drop in tory support is quite dramatic, and lib dem / green always do better in local elections than at a general election

  18. #18

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    i think labour will definitely be pleased, the drop in tory support is quite dramatic, and lib dem / green always do better in local elections than at a general election
    Yes, it’s beginning to look like I drew my conclusions too early. According to the BBC, Labour gains are now edging towards 500 and Conservative losses are over 900 with twenty four councils still to declare.


  19. #19

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Yes, it’s beginning to look like I drew my conclusions too early. According to the BBC, Labour gains are now edging towards 500 and Conservative losses are over 900 with twenty four councils still to declare.

    some people were predicting a swing of 5% to labour given the mix of constituencies that were being contested - they've got 9%. it's pretty terrible for the Tories, expect unruly backbenchers

  20. #20

    Re: Council results

    Tories over one thousand losses now - this was the figure they were talking about so that they could say they didn’t do too badly when they only lost eight hundred (which is the sort of figure they were really expecting to lose). These are terrible results for the Conservatives if that loss figure stays at current levels (there’s still twelve councils still to declare).

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Council results

    Terrible results for Labour as well.

    One needs to take the blinkers off and see the bigger picture

  22. #22

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Terrible results for Labour as well.

    One needs to take the blinkers off and see the bigger picture
    I dislike this version of labour but the cold hard fact is this has been a big success for them.

    However, I think someone else posted in this thread, I think Labour are only getting more votes because they aren't tory rather than coming up with actual reasons people should vote for them.

  23. #23

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Terrible results for Labour as well.

    One needs to take the blinkers off and see the bigger picture
    It's a dilemma what is the most ironic, your posting history or your avatar?

  24. #24

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    I dislike this version of labour but the cold hard fact is this has been a big success for them.

    However, I think someone else posted in this thread, I think Labour are only getting more votes because they aren't tory rather than coming up with actual reasons people should vote for them.

    that is good enough to win them the general election though the way we are going

  25. #25

    Re: Council results

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Terrible results for Labour as well.

    One needs to take the blinkers off and see the bigger picture
    Socialist Worker. Haven't read that for a while. I see within the first few paragraphs they are already manufacturing the idea of ranpant fascism!

    I genuinely wouldn't read much into this. Its local elections. It was a very good night for Labour and a very bad one for the Tories. It's a bit like looking at the League Cup and determing league form based on that.

    Labour are still set for government but the polls are tightening and likely to tighten more as more favourable economic winds benefit Sunak and the reality of campaigning kicks in.

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