People thought it was the end of the world when the printing press was invented. Then the steam engine, then some people shat pant when the telegram was first used.
Maybe if people stopped panicking it would help their mental health. The people who embrace and use AI are the people who will benefit from it the most.

No more having to search Google for everything (less revenue for them and the market can become fairer again). If there is something that can be used to make you more efficient and get more done in your daily life - then use it - you would be mad not to. Want some code written, maybe an idea of where to start writing a document etc. it's a great tool for that

Teachers worried that AI can probably teach better than them (that's a reality coming), lazy marking ? - yes and no. They will have to go back to aural tests - where the kids can explain face to face what they know rather than showing how 'intelligent' they are by regurgitating facts on a sheet of paper parrot fashion.

Like all new tech - embrace it before someone else does and takes your customers with them.