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Thread: Triple Lock

  1. #51

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    This isn't a morality issue. It's not the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
    Thank you for your in-depth critical analysis

  2. #52

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by + the native hipster View Post
    but a quarter of all pensioners have retired with enough cash to get a helicopter to the post office on a Thursday , paying loads of NI , a 'ponzi' if you like ,that was always the point , you pay for the generation that has retired, but to be fair i laffed like f@@@ watching my parents freeze to death.
    Are you alright? You are cutting the figure of somebody who is struggling with something. I am not trying to piss anybody off with this thread, it's simply a chat about allocation of resources.

  3. #53

    Re: Triple Lock

    It's actually going to be 8.5% rather than 8%

    So that is extra billion or so (on top of the 15 billion already accounted for by the 8% estimated rise) for people in work to find.

    Turns out we are the magic money tree.

  4. #54

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Thank you for your in-depth critical analysis
    Conveniently ignored the responses that did question what you were saying though..

  5. #55

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Working people having in effect pay cuts , some relying on food banks while the rich laugh at the clowns in "red wall" areas who voted them in.

    The public voted in this govt and are living with the consequences.

    But but Jeremy Corbyn went well.
    Have you taken the time to see what is happening in other countries?

    It rather dismisses your view that everything is the fault of the govt (convenient that).

    If you can't even diagnose the problem properly you will never solve it

  6. #56

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Its a nightmare. The Tories have wrecked the economy driving people to food banks , 3 PMs a cost of living crisis and the Welsh Govt wont let you drive as fast as you want to through residential areas. Shocking.
    UK economy is growing faster than most of our peers, unemployment is lower and wages rising faster. Every country has food banks too. Most economic and social data is far worse here in Wales where people like you say we have been 'protected' from the Tories. Some protection! Lower wages and more poverty! Brilliant!

    That's why the 20mph stuff pisses people off a lot of the time. Cos the WG are good are pissing around with things like that, but pretty dreadful at the big important things.

  7. #57

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Its a nightmare. The Tories have wrecked the economy driving people to food banks , 3 PMs a cost of living crisis and the Welsh Govt wont let you drive as fast as you want to through residential areas. Shocking.
    Interesting re food banks - in France (approx same population as UK) they were introduced 14 years before UK. France started them in 1984 - UK was 1997 , The French process about 4 times as much through food banks as the UK does - they do have a legal requirement that supermarkets donate food - but that food is still used by people in need.
    In France it is seen as a good socialist type thing to do , in the UK it is a stigma used to label poor people.

  8. #58

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Interesting re food banks - in France (approx same population as UK) they were introduced 14 years before UK. France started them in 1984 - UK was 1997 , The French process about 4 times as much through food banks as the UK does - they do have a legal requirement that supermarkets donate food - but that food is still used by people in need.
    In France it is seen as a good socialist type thing to do , in the UK it is a stigma used to label poor people.
    Nice one Pipster, but it can't be correct because the Tories don't even stand for election in France so how could they possibly have created food banks there?

  9. #59

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Interesting re food banks - in France (approx same population as UK) they were introduced 14 years before UK. France started them in 1984 - UK was 1997 , The French process about 4 times as much through food banks as the UK does - they do have a legal requirement that supermarkets donate food - but that food is still used by people in need.
    In France it is seen as a good socialist type thing to do , in the UK it is a stigma used to label poor people.
    I assume its Tories doing the labelling because the people I know who donate to or volunteer at local food banks most certainly don't do it to stigmatise or belittle vulnerable people

  10. #60

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    UK economy is growing faster than most of our peers, unemployment is lower and wages rising faster. Every country has food banks too. Most economic and social data is far worse here in Wales where people like you say we have been 'protected' from the Tories. Some protection! Lower wages and more poverty! Brilliant!

    That's why the 20mph stuff pisses people off a lot of the time. Cos the WG are good are pissing around with things like that, but pretty dreadful at the big important things.
    The bloke who isn't a raving tory has turned up to defend the tory government and belittle the Welsh Labour government

    Again ......

    Well that's a surprise

    But he's not a raving tory and is politically neutral


  11. #61

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The bloke who isn't a raving tory has turned up to defend the tory government and belittle the Welsh Labour government

    Again ......

    Well that's a surprise

    But he's not a raving tory and is politically neutral

    Just stating facts Sludge
    They aren't owned by any party.

    Why would you support things that aren't true?

  12. #62

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Thank you for your in-depth critical analysis
    My pleasure! It makes sense to adapt the response to alternative audience types 😂

  13. #63

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Just stating facts Sludge
    They aren't owned by any party.

    Why would you support things that aren't true?
    You have done that everytime you have voted conservative especially during the last 13 years

    And despite pretending to be nuanced you will do it again and prop them up and legitimise them again

    You are using the possibility of a tiny improvement in the economy recently to justify your biased support of the conservatives and write off the last decade as the fault of brexit , covid or Ukraine

    Its incredibly tedious but even if you get battered at the next election you will still be at it with your yeah but no but what about etc etc

  14. #64

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Conveniently ignored the responses that did question what you were saying though..
    I read them with interest, old fruit. I'm always happy to take on board the thoughts, perspective and points of other posters.

  15. #65

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    My pleasure! It makes sense to adapt the response to alternative audience types ��

  16. #66

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    You have done that everytime you have voted conservative especially during the last 13 years

    And despite pretending to be nuanced you will do it again and prop them up and legitimise them again

    You are using the possibility of a tiny improvement in the economy recently to justify your biased support of the conservatives and write off the last decade as the fault of brexit , covid or Ukraine

    Its incredibly tedious but even if you get battered at the next election you will still be at it with your yeah but no but what about etc etc
    Nah, I'm just saying, you and others say things that patently are incorrect.

    When you do stuff like that, it's inevitable that people will push back

    If someone was on here saying that Welsh Labour had created food banks in Wales I'd be saying the same, cos that's also bollocks.

    What's frustrating is that if you actually wanted to solve these issues (and no one doubts that they are issues) then you would be interested in properly diagnosing them. But you arent.

    You imply a centre-left govt will fix things but we have had one of those here for 24 years and if anything poverty is worse here. They also have them in lots of places around Europe and food banks and economic stagnation, unemployment, inflation and all the rest of it exist there too.

    So quite clearly the cause of these issues lies elsewhere. We all know it, it's just lazy, boring and actually kinda selfish to blame the govt alone. You get a dopamine hit for slagging off the Tories online but in practice not a single problem has been solved.

  17. #67

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Nah, I'm just saying, you and others say things that patently are incorrect.

    When you do stuff like that, it's inevitable that people will push back

    If someone was on here saying that Welsh Labour had created food banks in Wales I'd be saying the same, cos that's also bollocks.

    What's frustrating is that if you actually wanted to solve these issues (and no one doubts that they are issues) then you would be interested in properly diagnosing them. But you arent.

    You imply a centre-left govt will fix things but we have had one of those here for 24 years and if anything poverty is worse here. They also have them in lots of places around Europe and food banks and economic stagnation, unemployment, inflation and all the rest of it exist there too.

    So quite clearly the cause of these issues lies elsewhere. We all know it, it's just lazy, boring and actually kinda selfish to blame the govt alone. You get a dopamine hit for slagging off the Tories online but in practice not a single problem has been solved.
    A tory calling left of centre voters selfish

    That's a classic

    This has turned into a comedy act and you are on stage , hovering above a trap door

  18. #68
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Triple Lock

    Well lets be safe in tegh knowledge that her supreme highness hath spoken.

    In a desperate bid to get power now the so called left are now reversing their Corbyn ideals now we have Tory Lite appeal policies bin the shape , No Guarantees On Triple Lock , Stronger Immigration Controls , NHS cannot just hae dosh thrown at it ( ie privatise ) no wealth taxes , woman born with penis or vhginas , god knows which one , as the fence they sit on keeps crumbling :

    Evil Tories have allowed pay to rise 8.5 per cent in 3 months to July, which results on state pension will rise by the same amount in April thanks to the Tory Left Lock policy ,inflation coming down, meanwhile as pensioners get wealthy the young cant afford to buy a house because as wages /pensions grow Bank of England raises interest rates , yey perfect storm .

    Truss was right cut taxes get folk spending bit like Germany who have just announced a similar tax cut as Truss ""Germany agrees 32 bln euro tax cuts to give economy 'big boost' and ""

    Now we cant criticise Germans or Europe as they are shining beacon of hope as many have spouted over the years ..

    Lets leave Europe ?? Oh hang on

    Recession almost certain
    Germany and Italy among hardest hit
    Consumers' purse drained by record high inflation
    Strong labour market offers hope of short recession
    Energy transition may boost resilience in long run

    So the UK does have resilience where is the downfall ??

  19. #69

    Re: Triple Lock

    I will admit it wasn't a great thread to start with but it has been completely ruined by the same old people now.

  20. #70

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    A tory calling left of centre voters selfish

    That's a classic

    This has turned into a comedy act and you are on stage , hovering above a trap door
    As I said Sludge, people just keep saying things that aren't true and use it to blame the govt for everything, which is pretty repetitive, gets us no closer to the truth and yeah, tbh I do find it a bit selfish cos it's rarely people at the sharp end saying it. It's like a discussion on misbehaving kids and all you do is shout about blaming the parents ad inifinitum. Things are normally far more complex than people make out.

    Clearly the triple lock is not an easy decision. Quite clearly good banks aren't wholly caused by the UK govt because they exist everywhere. It's just daft stuff and these threads always get dragged down to that Disney level of goodies and baddies.

  21. #71

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Well lets be safe in tegh knowledge that her supreme highness hath spoken.

    In a desperate bid to get power now the so called left are now reversing their Corbyn ideals now we have Tory Lite appeal policies bin the shape , No Guarantees On Triple Lock , Stronger Immigration Controls , NHS cannot just hae dosh thrown at it ( ie privatise ) no wealth taxes , woman born with penis or vhginas , god knows which one , as the fence they sit on keeps crumbling :

    Evil Tories have allowed pay to rise 8.5 per cent in 3 months to July, which results on state pension will rise by the same amount in April thanks to the Tory Left Lock policy ,inflation coming down, meanwhile as pensioners get wealthy the young cant afford to buy a house because as wages /pensions grow Bank of England raises interest rates , yey perfect storm .

    Truss was right cut taxes get folk spending bit like Germany who have just announced a similar tax cut as Truss ""Germany agrees 32 bln euro tax cuts to give economy 'big boost' and ""

    Now we cant criticise Germans or Europe as they are shining beacon of hope as many have spouted over the years ..

    Lets leave Europe ?? Oh hang on

    Recession almost certain
    Germany and Italy among hardest hit
    Consumers' purse drained by record high inflation
    Strong labour market offers hope of short recession
    Energy transition may boost resilience in long run

    So the UK does have resilience where is the downfall ??

  22. #72

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    The politics of justice! I know loads of pensioners worth well over 1 mill. Let's not kill the old but let's level up.
    Define 'loads'

    100? 200? 1000?

    And does that 1 million include the value of their house?

  23. #73

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Define 'loads'

    100? 200? 1000?

    And does that 1 million include the value of their house?
    Hasnt it been claimed there are 3 million pensioners worth over a million in the UK.

  24. #74
    International jon1959's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Hasnt it been claimed there are 3 million pensioners worth over a million in the UK.
    Yes that was the finding 3-4 years ago - pension pot, savings etc plus value of property:


  25. #75

    Re: Triple Lock

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Yes that was the finding 3-4 years ago - pension pot, savings etc plus value of property:

    In many, probably most cases, the vast bulk of that is in the property value.

    Not going to be able to buy much extra food or energy without selling the house!!!

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