Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
James any so called personal attacks I make are only in response to your continual ad hominem sneers. Maybe you could consider conducting your debates more on a structured basis rather than resorting to risible personal slights. Just a bit of friendly advice, you might find more people take your arguments seriously if you avoid abusing people.

As for the main thrust of your argument I find any instance of anti-Jewish personal abuse, particularly against children, abhorrent and I would be happy to see any perpetrator collared by the police. On the other hand I think any protest against Zionism and the Israeli government is justified and only cynics and malcontents will try to conflate the two issues.

The "River to the Sea" chant is in my opinion firmly in the camp of Arab/Palestinian reaction to repression and the longing for a free homeland. Despite some Jews not liking it that doesn't mean it should be proscribed because it has been pointed out the true meaning of the chant is open to misinterpretation.

However my main point is that at this time I think all our energies should be directed at trying in some small way to get to a ceasefire quickly and stop the horrific daily carnage. I can't get over exercised about a mass call for freedom.

By the way you may have noticed I never use the term anti-Semitic and prefer anti-Jewish because the former is problematic in the sense that both Jews and Muslims in the main are, among other ethnic groups, Semites. I think it an unfortunate use of terminology.
Have you read what you've written to me in this thread?! All for....saying that chanting racist chants on the street is disturbing and unhelpful. Have a word with yourself.