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Thread: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

  1. #1

    Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Today it's the homeless in the firing line , quite literally

    What a dreadful woman , how can anyone vote Tory with any sort of conscience with her as home secretary ?

    Stopping charities from handing out emergency sleeping bags ?

    It's clearly being done to wind people up as I can't believe she's as bad as this

  2. #2

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Horrible woman. Never mind - she’ll be gone next year along with the rest of her cronies.

  3. #3

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    ....roll on Angela Rayner.....Diane Abbott et al....NOT! This lot are bad..but that lot are worse...

    Should this not be on the alternative forum board?

  4. #4

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    I’m no lover of Labour, but how on Earth can they possibly be worse?

  5. #5

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    I’m no lover of Labour, but how on Earth can they possibly be worse?
    You would be surprised...I am old enough to remember the mid seventies....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Cardiff Council did and said the same , and moved them on , charities were asked to not hand out tents

  7. #7

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Addiction services in llandough we’re working with the council and police to stop addicts living in tents in city centres, this goes back to case of the man that died in a tent on st Mary’s street. A chronic alcoholic that worked out he could beg and get money to feed his habit.
    The legal bit is that living in a tent you get rights which meant it was hard to move people on or even enter the tent.
    All social services and police and Cardiff Council wanted this to stop so they could people get into care and offer help
    They also appealed to charities to stop giving out tents.
    This was a Labour council and a welsh nhs trying to do this. It seems other councils and uk govt are trying to fix the same issue now. My sister was involved in trying to fix this issue in Cardiff

  8. #8

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Addiction services in llandough we’re working with the council and police to stop addicts living in tents in city centres, this goes back to case of the man that died in a tent on st Mary’s street. A chronic alcoholic that worked out he could beg and get money to feed his habit.
    The legal bit is that living in a tent you get rights which meant it was hard to move people on or even enter the tent.
    All social services and police and Cardiff Council wanted this to stop so they could people get into care and offer help
    They also appealed to charities to stop giving out tents.
    This was a Labour council and a welsh nhs trying to do this. It seems other councils and uk govt are trying to fix the same issue now. My sister was involved in trying to fix this issue in Cardiff
    Decent post, charities need to be controlled & directed, they sometimes do more harm than good. They are, inpart responsible for the camps around Calais & therefore the dinghies crossing the channel.

  9. #9

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Loved hearing the silence at Stoke today. Inevitably observed.

  10. #10
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Today it's the homeless in the firing line , quite literally

    What a dreadful woman , how can anyone vote Tory with any sort of conscience with her as home secretary ?

    Stopping charities from handing out emergency sleeping bags ?

    It's clearly being done to wind people up as I can't believe she's as bad as this
    She makes Priti Patel look like Mother Theresa.

  11. #11
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Cardiff Council did and said the same , and moved them on , charities were asked to not hand out tents
    Did Cardiff Council say rough sleepers were exercising 'a lifestyle choice'?

    No, I thought not.

  12. #12

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Addiction services in llandough we’re working with the council and police to stop addicts living in tents in city centres, this goes back to case of the man that died in a tent on st Mary’s street. A chronic alcoholic that worked out he could beg and get money to feed his habit.
    The legal bit is that living in a tent you get rights which meant it was hard to move people on or even enter the tent.
    All social services and police and Cardiff Council wanted this to stop so they could people get into care and offer help
    They also appealed to charities to stop giving out tents.
    This was a Labour council and a welsh nhs trying to do this. It seems other councils and uk govt are trying to fix the same issue now. My sister was involved in trying to fix this issue in Cardiff
    I don't want to say too much about this but as a member of Cardiff help the homeless I refute a great deal of what the chair of housing , social services and others comment on these matters

    It's fine having a proactive and forward looking policy involving health , housing etc all singing from the same hymn sheet but in many cases , especially in Cardiff, this hasn't been the case

    There is and always will be a number of homeless people that are extremely difficult to care for but trying to prevent local charities from giving out tents is hitting those who feel they have no other choice in a very dark way

    Braverman is a twisted woman responsible for trying to influence how people think and she would go a lot further than getting rid of their tents if she could

  13. #13

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    Horrible woman. Never mind - she’ll be gone next year along with the rest of her cronies.
    I hope so but even on here there are some prize plums who will vote for her

  14. #14

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
    ....roll on Angela Rayner.....Diane Abbott et al....NOT! This lot are bad..but that lot are worse...

    Should this not be on the alternative forum board?
    Dianne Abbott has about as much chance of being home Secretary as I do of voting conservative

    Absolutely no chance

  15. #15

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
    You would be surprised...I am old enough to remember the mid seventies....
    My old man is dead but he was alive during the seventies and he preferred it to when that old witch Thatcher was in charge

  16. #16

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Loved hearing the silence at Stoke today. Inevitably observed.
    What silence ?

  17. #17

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    So braverman is wrong, Cardiff Council, social services and the police are also wrong but you are right. Ffs you can’t even paint your own garden gate properly 😀
    You should volunteer to be a street warden that directly approach people in need and try to get them into rehab

  18. #18

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    So braverman is wrong, Cardiff Council, social services and the police are also wrong but you are right. Ffs you can’t even paint your own garden gate properly 😀
    You should volunteer to be a street warden that directly approach people in need and try to get them into rehab
    Not my gate , giving advice to someone else

    Pm me and I can tell you as much as you want to know about cardiff council homeless screw ups

    Done plenty of street work over the years at the front end of homelessness both as a volunteer , in hostels and as an advice worker

    Braverman is a twisted old fruitcake

  19. #19

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    👍 I think we all want the same result, just different approaches
    I have an old friend (alcoholic) who went through the program at llandough and has been sober ever since. It’s when they become homeless the real problems start. Which is why they need to be out of tents and into rehab , they should not be left to effectively drink or inject themselves to death
    I couldn’t give a monkeys about petty local gripes about services to be honest. What matters is getting the outcome that is best for the addict. If you are off your head and a stubborn idiot you won’t be able to accept what is the best option for you.
    Maybe we should make it a criminal offence with the sentence being rehab?

  20. #20

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    👍 I think we all want the same result, just different approaches
    I have an old friend (alcoholic) who went through the program at llandough and has been sober ever since. It’s when they become homeless the real problems start. Which is why they need to be out of tents and into rehab , they should not be left to effectively drink or inject themselves to death
    I couldn’t give a monkeys about petty local gripes about services to be honest. What matters is getting the outcome that is best for the addict. If you are off your head and a stubborn idiot you won’t be able to accept what is the best option for you.
    Maybe we should make it a criminal offence with the sentence being rehab?
    Whilst the streets are not very safe they are for some a safer place than the violence , abuse and intimidation that happens in the night shelters and hostels

    That some would prefer to sleep under a bridge by central station getting checked by volunteers from charities than be forced into council accommodation says everything

    I think it's very important that if that's the only option for a very small number of people then we should be ensuring the risks are low rather than stopping sleeping bags being given out because it looks a bit untidy if a load of tourists are in city hall

  21. #21

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    We’ll have to agree to disagree on that

  22. #22

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    We’ll have to agree to disagree on that
    No we won't

  23. #23

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
    You would be surprised...I am old enough to remember the mid seventies....
    Name one thing from the mid seventies that was as vile as this, or even close, concerning a prominent minister’s contempt for their own people?

  24. #24

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    Name one thing from the mid seventies that was as vile as this, or even close, concerning a prominent minister’s contempt for their own people?
    Pinochet ?

  25. #25

    Re: Suella Da Ville Can't Help Herself

    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
    You would be surprised...I am old enough to remember the mid seventies....
    And I am, it wasn't as bad as this.

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