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Thread: Wales Piza rankings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Wales Piza rankings

    That's probably how the kids are taught to spell them anyway.

    https://order-order.com/2023/12/05/m...-pisa-results/ Diane Abbot's levels of incompetence spring to mind.



    He really is making Wales slower.

    Slowest out of lockdowns, Slowest economy, slowest roads, and now the slowest for kids education, and slowest NHS treatment.

    It's not hard to see that locking down harder in Wales, and working from home for longer, just to prove a point, will lead to a weaker economy and education falling further behind.

    What is next, tourism growth I would imagine, but they'll keep on voting for him no matter how much we fall further and further behind the rest of the UK.

  2. #2

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    As I've pointed out previously, Wales has fallen behind other UK regions in most socio-economic indicators over the last 30 years or so. You can blame the Tories for the UK failing and maybe for the non-English regions failing if you believe they are penalised by Westminster. You can't blame the Tories or Westminster generally for Wales falling behind Northern Ireland though. So there must be some other contributory factor. I wonder what that might be?

  3. #3

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    There was a thread elsewhere praising the welsh govt. on subsidising so much this side of the bridge. Far better I'd thought to have a thriving economy with well paid jobs where such things are able to be afforded by the majority. I do think that Drakeford's ideal model for Wales would be zero inward investment, a massive and powerful and interfering government, with a low-income, heavily subsidised population.

  4. #4

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Robin Friday's Ghost View Post
    As I've pointed out previously, Wales has fallen behind other UK regions in most socio-economic indicators over the last 30 years or so. You can blame the Tories for the UK failing and maybe for the non-English regions failing if you believe they are penalised by Westminster. You can't blame the Tories or Westminster generally for Wales falling behind Northern Ireland though. So there must be some other contributory factor. I wonder what that might be?
    Whilst schools crumble away and they merge and close them down, it’s hardly surprising….instead of getting on with the planned rebuild of Cathays high, they blow the budget to rebuild 100 schools on road signs. Beam me up…..

  5. #5

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Most of what we are seeing here can be explained by socio economic differences. Wales is and has always been amongst the poorest parts of the UK (and will always be the case as long as we remain in the UK). If you look at similar parts of England (i.e. the North East) then Wales' results are pretty similar.
    Also sadly, one of the things that emerged during covid was that the disruption to school had a far more pronounced effect on poorer pupils than it did on richer ones.
    Taking those things into account the changes in performance since the last pisa scores are basically the same

  6. #6

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    The Labour party in Wales have been in power for 26 years, Education is a 100% devolved power.
    The education budget has just been cut by the Labour party - along with all other budgets other than Climate Change.

  7. #7

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    NHS waiting lists worse than England
    �� Educational outcomes worse than England
    �� 20mph speed limits - slowing the economy

    �� Welsh Government took over the running of the railways - it operates Transport for Wales which has the worst customer satisfaction for train operators in the UK.

    ✈️ Welsh Government took over the running of Cardiff Airport. Despite relatively few flights, it was named among one of the worst for flight delays and the airport is now valued at around £15m - a third of what the Welsh Government paid.

    �� Analysis shows that the Welsh NHS may overspend by £800m by next spring and all health boards have been placed under higher levels of financial scrutiny.

    �� During the pandemic, the blueprint for Welsh Labour lockdowns included telling shops to close certain aisles so customers visiting would feel safe.

    ��️ The Welsh Government now wants to increase the number of politicians in the Senedd by 60% despite a lack of public support. This is estimated to cost each year more than the free school meals the Government said they could no longer afford to provide to vulnerable children.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Most of what we are seeing here can be explained by socio economic differences. Wales is and has always been amongst the poorest parts of the UK (and will always be the case as long as we remain in the UK). If you look at similar parts of England (i.e. the North East) then Wales' results are pretty similar.
    Also sadly, one of the things that emerged during covid was that the disruption to school had a far more pronounced effect on poorer pupils than it did on richer ones.
    Taking those things into account the changes in performance since the last pisa scores are basically the same
    Nonsense it's because Wales locked down longer and enjoyed work from home and close the schools, Drakeford wasn't concerned about education, he wanted to be different from England, worse different, much worse different, totally idiotic different it didn't matter, he had his thirty seconds of fame, look at me butt I'm different, why won't proper politicians talk to me butt, I want to lock down for years see!

  9. #9

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    NHS waiting lists worse than England
    �� Educational outcomes worse than England
    �� 20mph speed limits - slowing the economy

    �� Welsh Government took over the running of the railways - it operates Transport for Wales which has the worst customer satisfaction for train operators in the UK.

    ✈️ Welsh Government took over the running of Cardiff Airport. Despite relatively few flights, it was named among one of the worst for flight delays and the airport is now valued at around £15m - a third of what the Welsh Government paid.

    �� Analysis shows that the Welsh NHS may overspend by £800m by next spring and all health boards have been placed under higher levels of financial scrutiny.

    �� During the pandemic, the blueprint for Welsh Labour lockdowns included telling shops to close certain aisles so customers visiting would feel safe.

    ��️ The Welsh Government now wants to increase the number of politicians in the Senedd by 60% despite a lack of public support. This is estimated to cost each year more than the free school meals the Government said they could no longer afford to provide to vulnerable children.

    I really hope we don’t get more of the useless twats down the bay, why would we need more of them?? 20 years ago if I had to go to Gatwick or Heathrow the problems would always be around London for traffic, getting to Wales felt like I could relax, now it’s the complete opposite….ps where are the lefties? Bit quiet is sludge and his Alta ego doufuss? Guess it doesn’t affect them as they clearly don’t have kids

  10. #10

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    Nonsense it's because Wales locked down longer and enjoyed work from home and close the schools, Drakeford wasn't concerned about education, he wanted to be different from England, worse different, much worse different, totally idiotic different it didn't matter, he had his thirty seconds of fame, look at me butt I'm different, why won't proper politicians talk to me butt, I want to lock down for years see!
    No way should kids been kept out that long, no doubt ruined many.

  11. #11
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    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    No way should kids been kept out that long, no doubt ruined many.
    It damaged them no doubt, there will be after-effects on their mental health for the rest of their lives, ultra long lockdowns were terrible, the first one was bad enough, but to drag that one out and have more was criminal.

  12. #12

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    Nonsense it's because Wales locked down longer and enjoyed work from home and close the schools, Drakeford wasn't concerned about education, he wanted to be different from England, worse different, much worse different, totally idiotic different it didn't matter, he had his thirty seconds of fame, look at me butt I'm different, why won't proper politicians talk to me butt, I want to lock down for years see!
    nonsense? speak to any primary school teacher, and they will tell you that kids from poorer families suffered a lot more from schools being closed

  13. #13
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    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    nonsense? speak to any primary school teacher, and they will tell you that kids from poorer families suffered a lot more from schools being closed
    Yes but poorer kids in Wales suffered more than pooer kids in England look at the PISA RANKINGS.

    Because while your mate was on furlough English school teachers were back in school, and when your mate went back they worked from home and kept the schools closed for longer than in England.

    Wales attitude was sod the economy sod the kids we will lock down for as long as we can, and demand the furlough from Westminster. It was only when that dried up they reluctantly unlocked but insisted on work from home also for as log as possible.

  14. #14

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    I happen to think people in Wales make very good pizzas. The leek and sheep ones are great

  15. #15

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I happen to think people in Wales make very good pizzas. The leek and sheep ones are great
    It would appear you are the result of the welsh education system with that sort of comment.

  16. #16

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    Yes but poorer kids in Wales suffered more than pooer kids in England look at the PISA RANKINGS.

    Because while your mate was on furlough English school teachers were back in school, and when your mate went back they worked from home and kept the schools closed for longer than in England.

    Wales attitude was sod the economy sod the kids we will lock down for as long as we can, and demand the furlough from Westminster. It was only when that dried up they reluctantly unlocked but insisted on work from home also for as log as possible.
    no, the difference is more down to the fact that poorer pupils make up a significantly larger proportion of the population in Wales compared to England, rather than that we had home schooling for 2 weeks longer or whatever it was.
    I know teachers in England and Wales who say the same thing, the disparity between kids from families who were able to support their education during lockdown and those who weren't is staggering. some kids are finishing primary school unable to read or do basic maths, while others are hitting the required levels.
    I can remember when my kids had online classes my youngests classes only ever had about half the pupils logging on maximum, and some kids didn't attend a single online session for the entire duration.
    the quality and quantity of online provision seemed to vary massively between classes as some teachers didn't seem to get to grips with it (and some seemed to treat it as a extended holiday)

  17. #17
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    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Wales Piza rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    no, the difference is more down to the fact that poorer pupils make up a significantly larger proportion of the population in Wales compared to England, rather than that we had home schooling for 2 weeks longer or whatever it was.
    I know teachers in England and Wales who say the same thing, the disparity between kids from families who were able to support their education during lockdown and those who weren't is staggering. some kids are finishing primary school unable to read or do basic maths, while others are hitting the required levels.
    I can remember when my kids had online classes my youngests classes only ever had about half the pupils logging on maximum, and some kids didn't attend a single online session for the entire duration.
    the quality and quantity of online provision seemed to vary massively between classes as some teachers didn't seem to get to grips with it (and some seemed to treat it as a extended holiday)
    Nonsense, it's because teachers worked from home here and standards set by Drippy and co are lower, it's not a priority speed and speed signs and fines are more important in Wales. We are dropping year by year while our wealth in relation to England remains the same.

    You keep trying to use this excuse for every Welsh government failing, it's just a soppy excuse for terrible performance.

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