Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
This is the 1st year since i came out of hospital 13 years ago this coming April, that I've not had a holiday, usually manage to get in two and some weekend breaks in mainland Europe, not skint yet !!! but it's been an unusual year for me for a variety of reasons and just haven't managed to work a holiday into the schedule. With my wife retiring we had planned for another trip down under but it hasn't been possible, the outlook at the moment i don't feel comfortable enough to think about holidays for next year so will just take one step at the time, I hope you realise i like taking the rise out of your travels but mean no harm and wish I was as well travelled, they do it to me and i just accept it , there is only one person on this message board i will never ever have a back and forth with, i accept all arrows aimed, and fire back it's the game.
May you have a cool Yule, old fruit