Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
So, what you’re saying is anyone with a different opinion to you are fools then. Clearly at the time that is what you and many others thought ( and they were easy targets) but it became obvious that the same critical thinking crowds views are now becoming increasingly prevalent among the silent majority.
Deal with it.
Again, putting words in my mouth - what I'm saying is the world was a completely different place four years ago and some people are making no allowance for that as they, first, ignore all of the stuff they were getting wrong at that time and then say I told you so when the inevitable consequences of policies thought up and decisions taken on the hoof while people all over the world were dying of a new disease become apparent further down the line. You and others like you seem to believe that anyone who doesn't share your opinions were incapable of seeing that there could be prices to be paid for the measures used to control Covid when it first hit, a time when doing nothing was not an option, are unthinking morons prepared to accept anything they're told by their Governments - they're not, but most were prepared to accept that drastic measures were required at the time Covid first hit the UK and the rest of Europe.