Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
No , you are clearly not understanding or deliberately being a clown here

I said I think that the labour party approach to this incident is bollocks and they have been caught out and instead of stamping on it straight away they have messed up , tried to fanny about and their dithering is clearly a load of bollocks ......

As to what he actually said being bollocks .......which is what you are saying I have said .....I didn't.... well its clear that the idea that Israel deliberately allowed this attack to happen has its supporters ......and 2 posters on here have suggested there may be an element of truth in that .......then I think that's stretching things

I think genuine criticism of Israel and zionism is perfectly justified and if you think that this person is a racist then that's your view

I think there's a lot of idiots on both sides of this conflict but a racist or xenopobe would say I hate jews or I hate Arabs.......if he's said that sort of thing then asking if I agree with that sort of comment is an idiotic question

I think you are more concerned with this idea that socialists are racists in order to gain political points which is utter nonsense than the hopelessness of Labour in dealing with these remarks ......the bollocks point I refer to and the absolute car crash they have made of this
All he's ever interested in when it comes to politics is whacking the Labour party and keeping quiet when the weekly, or sometimes daily, bad news story hits the Conservative party.

Over the last week or so, Labour have shown once again why my vote will be going to them in the General Election on nothing more than anti Tory grounds - there's barely anything about the party these days which fires me with any enthusiasm. That said, maybe there would be if the current version of Labour actually stood for anything - the few policies they've come out with since the 2019 election have nearly all been shelved or watered down.

Regarding the Rochdale by election, Labour were in a bit of a damned if they do, damned if they don't position, but, that said, I cannot be more critical of them than to say they looked like torys yesterday morning as they sent someone out to do the media rounds saying they were sticking with Azhar Ali and then ten hours later they weren't as they finally arrived at the decision they should have made in the first place.

In my experience, people like pipster are wasting their time trying to stir up a party political argument on here on subjects where Labour are clearly in the wrong because the large majority of left leaning people are quick enough to criticise the party themselves anyway. It's an attitude which can often cost the party at the ballot box, but I'd prefer it to what happens on the other side where tory supporters too often fall in behind the party line automatically, something which, certainly since 2019, has often involved defending the indefensible.