If you are going to stand on a platform and protest / shout about something - and then do something else - it's wrong on every level. She will counter (like Abbott) that she was doing it for her family. Which is a valent attempt - but it doesnt wash.
Raynor has taken the offer (of Thatcher I guess) on the chance to get on the property ladder, be responsible for her own home, keep it clean and tidy, look after it and make the neighbourhood a better place. Far too often when it's the council's job to look after somewhere rather than the person living there - it doesnt take long for the neighbourhood to become a sh1thole.

She has deprived someone else the chance of making a start in life without having a mortgage round their necks. It should have been - move in - get a job get settled - save up - move out. But people dont - they realise they are on a good screw and wont shift - like Bob Crow - on 120K a year and still wouldnt move out of his council house