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Thread: And it's goodnight from me

  1. #26

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Will miss your stats mate, thanks for the effort & research you’ve done. If Klopp does reconsider and stay, perhaps missing out on the Anfield hot seat will make you reconsider.

  2. #27

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    I think you are having a wobbly

    You therefore need to sit down , have a cup of tea and get your act together

    Time waits for no one sonny

  3. #28

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    You are going to be missed for sure.

  4. #29

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    You'll be missed Eric. I didn't often reply to your stats but I was always impressed by the level of effort and they'd always be something to think about.

    I don't think some of the people on this board have aged well, hope you reconsider and ignore them. Remember it's them, not you.

  5. #30

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    I enjoyed your stats too Eric.

    I’ve been here from the beginning too, there’s always been wind up merchants , it’s attention seeking confrontation without any danger of actual contact but that seems to be prevalent across the internet on all sorts of platforms

    Hope you change your mind

  6. #31

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Sorry to hear this. The board will be far less without you

  7. #32

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    After 20 years on this board (with a year off a few seasons ago), I've decided to call it a day.

    I've loved being able to post random stats of all sorts, not that I've ever regarded myself as any sort of statto. Stats have interested me whether positive, negative, in between etc. Runs of form, goals scored, conceded, winless runs, winning runs, all fascinating. I've had opinions that others have hated!

    This has been a home for me. I met the woman who would (regrettably for her I'm sure!) become my wife on here back in 2006. I love those who I've got to know through this board. Mike is a legend and a top bloke and I thank him for not barring me over the wasp joke!!

    We have some great contributors to this board, particularly TOBW, whose blog is amazing and his level headedness has been so consistent over the years. If I've ever needed a snapshot of where we are as a club, TOBW has always been my go to. TLG, while we've had ferocious arguments on here at times, is a top bloke who hasn't deserved the vitriol he's had in recent years. This board is so much poorer without him. I might argue with Sludge, but he is a great bloke, funny and I'll never lose my respect for him and I thank him for introducing me to dogging.

    What I cannot ignore is that this board feels very alien to me now. I chat to lots of City fans on various platforms. It's always light hearted, even if opinions differ. This board seems anything but that. I think it's telling that none of my close City fans post on here any more. Things are about being right, proving others wrong. I don't care for that level of sneering.

    I'm sure there'll be lots telling me to piss off, which would only prove my point. This isn't a decision made on a Sunday after a beer. It's been many weeks in progress. Maybe it's just me getting old.

    Nos da.
    Ah come on Eric for f-uck’s sake. You need to be in it to win it. If you are gonna put out an opinion out there you are inviting debate, and it will be shot at.

    Debate is open disagreement, not an echo chamber. Once you put it out there it is there to be shot at. Nothing personal. Win or Lose, by putting your opinion out there, you are starting debate and provoking thoughts and that itself is value.

    Think of barristers, sporting opponents or City traders. I win, you lose. So what? That is the essence and cut and thrust of open conflict - which is war, sport, debate, business, financial markets and law. It is the nature if what we do.

    If there is Left then there has to he Right. If there is dark, there has to be light. If there is right, then there has to be wrong. This is the Ying and Yang of life. Accept it. Don’t take it personally.

    Even the best traders in the City only get 60-70% of decisions correct. As Barack Obama said, “I take 100 decisions a day. If I get 70 correct that’s a great day. As long as the 30 I get wrong are of small impact then that’s OK.” Or as Tony Blair said, “I can take most people with most of the time, but I will not take everyone with me all the time”. 100% consensus is nigh on impossible. The question is - can you handle the losses? Can you accept the discomfort of conflict and lack of consensus?

    I doubt anyone hates people on here unless they are deranged, or cannot accept a difference of opinion. I love debate and happy to push people to the brink, but if I lose the argument I let it go and think “Fair play, they got me there.” I just love the cut and thrust of debate. I’d shake the hand and buy them a pint.

    Barristers and sporting enemies are quite often seen drinking with each other after open warfare. They let it slide. It was just the natural exchange of physical and mental strength, to seek the truth. Nothing personal. Equally I would happily have a pint with my debating nemesis as well. It was just an opinion, that’s all.

    So the best call you can make today? Admit you got this call wrong. It’s one of your 30% of poor decisions today. No shame admitting it. Laugh it off, come back and joust again. Live to fight another day 😉👍

  8. #33

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    After 20 years on this board (with a year off a few seasons ago), I've decided to call it a day.

    I've loved being able to post random stats of all sorts, not that I've ever regarded myself as any sort of statto. Stats have interested me whether positive, negative, in between etc. Runs of form, goals scored, conceded, winless runs, winning runs, all fascinating. I've had opinions that others have hated!

    This has been a home for me. I met the woman who would (regrettably for her I'm sure!) become my wife on here back in 2006. I love those who I've got to know through this board. Mike is a legend and a top bloke and I thank him for not barring me over the wasp joke!!

    We have some great contributors to this board, particularly TOBW, whose blog is amazing and his level headedness has been so consistent over the years. If I've ever needed a snapshot of where we are as a club, TOBW has always been my go to. TLG, while we've had ferocious arguments on here at times, is a top bloke who hasn't deserved the vitriol he's had in recent years. This board is so much poorer without him. I might argue with Sludge, but he is a great bloke, funny and I'll never lose my respect for him and I thank him for introducing me to dogging.

    What I cannot ignore is that this board feels very alien to me now. I chat to lots of City fans on various platforms. It's always light hearted, even if opinions differ. This board seems anything but that. I think it's telling that none of my close City fans post on here any more. Things are about being right, proving others wrong. I don't care for that level of sneering.

    I'm sure there'll be lots telling me to piss off, which would only prove my point. This isn't a decision made on a Sunday after a beer. It's been many weeks in progress. Maybe it's just me getting old.

    Nos da.
    Sorry to read this.
    You cite people as a reason you have decided not to post any more.
    Could it be something else though?
    Perhaps the tone in many of your posts has gotten to you as well as others?
    After all, it must be energy sapping to put a negative spin on things

    You are a prolific poster.
    Just as people agree with your opinions you will get people who disagree with you. It is to be expected.
    Although I attend this forum virtually every day, I often choose not to reply to much of what many people post, for various reasons.
    Much of this season has been a struggle reading, never mind posting, and Saturday's win was such a huge buzz.
    I chose to reply to your post right after the game which probably came across as gloating or a wind up.
    I thought you made it all about you and said so.
    You called me a knob, I called you a phoney.
    Fair enough, we move on.

    We have all witnessed 'vitriol'.
    We've also witnessed stuff that has been misinterpreted a post, joke, bants, whooshing etc..
    That's okay though in my opinion.
    People have good days and bad.
    You either enter into a conversation or you ignore it. Simples.
    We also have moderators who deal with those who overstep the mark.

    We'd all do well to remember that it's a messageboard not a court of law.

    From a personal point of view, I don't aspire to becoming anyone's best mate by posting just as much as I don't particularly look to make an enemy of anyone.

    As I said, you post a lot on here and, as well as stats, you voice your opinions. Some I concur with some I don't, some I reply to, some I don't.
    There are plenty on here who I'm sure do and feel the same.

    Why not have a few days off and re-evaluate?

    If you decide not to then this place will be worse off.
    You go with my best wishes

  9. #34

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Sorry to hear Eric but understandable and respect your decision. Having watched City as a school boy in the 60's it's a very different world we live in now and I certainly enjoyed the Toshack, Clark years. Times have changed and we're all older and hopefully wiser. There's some comfort in seeing fellow wrinkly Bluebirds around. Stay well, and be happy, cheers TIB.

  10. #35

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Sadly, your intended absence will tip the balance even more towards to the wind-up merchants and tiresome idiots. Sorry to see you go.
    Tiresome idiots who post different opinions to you ( which usually turn out to be true)

    I thought the beauty of this forum was that fact that all opinions are subjective and welcome.

    Have you considered knocking it on the head ?

  11. #36

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Goodnight Irene.You'll be back.It's a drug

  12. #37

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    Debate is open disagreement, not an echo chamber. Once you put it out there it is there to be shot at. Nothing personal. Win or Lose, by putting your opinion out there, you are starting debate and provoking thoughts and that itself is value.

    I wouldn't call what often goes on on here (or on much of the internet, of course) as debate. Supercilious, dismissive, you're-either-with-us-or-against-us, how-very-dare-you-criticise-Ray-McStay, overemotional rhetoric sometimes but not debate.

    It's also kind of ironic that even though there are suggestions not to take it so seriously, many of the posters who have given up or post less were ones who - in the main - didn't take it too seriously. (What happened to Delmbox, for instance?). So, maybe it's not just about taking things too seriously.

    And of course, we're mostly middle-aged or old men so heaven forfend we're going about things in the wrong way.

    Anyway, all the best to Eric.

  13. #38

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Does this mean i move up a place in the rankings ? if so then i'm all for a lot of you leaving,

  14. #39

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    I think Eric knows there’s a 79.14578% chance he’ll reverse this decision in the fullness of time.

  15. #40

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Always look out for your stats Eric. Also, I like to read the different opinions on here, and as you say (I think) there's no need for name calling and any type of abuse. We should all be able to agree to disagree. Hope you change your mind

  16. #41

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    I wouldn't call what often goes on on here (or on much of the internet, of course) as debate. Supercilious, dismissive, you're-either-with-us-or-against-us, how-very-dare-you-criticise-Ray-McStay, overemotional rhetoric sometimes but not debate.

    It's also kind of ironic that even though there are suggestions not to take it so seriously, many of the posters who have given up or post less were ones who - in the main - didn't take it too seriously. (What happened to Delmbox, for instance?). So, maybe it's not just about taking things too seriously.

    And of course, we're mostly middle-aged or old men so heaven forfend we're going about things in the wrong way.

    Anyway, all the best to Eric.
    Blimey, yeah, what happened to Delmbox? I can see that if you take this place or yourself too seriously it could be a problem.

  17. #42

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    I wouldn't call what often goes on on here (or on much of the internet, of course) as debate. Supercilious, dismissive, you're-either-with-us-or-against-us, how-very-dare-you-criticise-Ray-McStay, overemotional rhetoric sometimes but not debate.
    Of course it's not debate. People are 100% invested in their own sources of information, and they disregard any competing narratives.

  18. #43

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    Blimey, yeah, what happened to Delmbox? I can see that if you take this place or yourself too seriously it could be a problem.
    Yep, if you give a shit what's said on the internet then it's not the place for you.

  19. #44

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    I think we all know it's not about disagreement. It's about the manner of those disagreements. There aren't many threads on this forum which generate different positions which don't end up as vitriolic verbal punch ups. I've been drawn into it myself on occasions. I'm pretty sure that's what Eric has got fed up of not the fact that his opinion is unpopular such.

  20. #45
    First Team Forest Green Bluebird's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    English side of the Bridge

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Your outstanding contribution to this board will be sorely missed.

    Your posts are insightful and thought provoking ... reflecting your addiction to the team we love.

    I do hope that you will reconsider returning in the not too distant future.

    Take care.

  21. #46

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Robin Friday's Ghost View Post
    I think we all know it's not about disagreement. It's about the manner of those disagreements. There aren't many threads on this forum which generate different positions which don't end up as vitriolic verbal punch ups. I've been drawn into it myself on occasions. I'm pretty sure that's what Eric has got fed up of not the fact that his opinion is unpopular such.

  22. #47

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Of course it's not debate. People are 100% invested in their own sources of information, and they disregard any competing narratives.
    Then why bother?

  23. #48

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Please don't go

  24. #49

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    I think Eric knows there’s a 79.14578% chance he’ll reverse this decision in the fullness of time.
    This deserves love.

  25. #50

    Re: And it's goodnight from me

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    This deserves love.
    Missed that!

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