Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
The main disconnection is you can (Jon-like) spout the bile re the texts, but you are not willing to examine any evidence for their validity or otherwise, so all we are left with is a drive-thru look at an issue and jumping to a quickest convenient and popular majority viewpoint whilst trashing anyone who thinks differently.
If you can't ask *questions to understand (which some actually now have) where other people are coming from, then you are not really engaging the discussion.

* For example I asked Jon to support his world-view and he's typed loads of words since I asked but is unable to address why he believes what he believes; so all he is left with is bile.
You have confused 'bile' with disgust - again.

As to 'supporting' my world view, I have no intention of getting involved in your circular arguments and general trolling. My world view - my view of the physical world, and the social and political systems and ideas that have emerged from human consciousness against that natural backdrop - have formed over a lifetime of observation, study and argument. I assume that is true for most of us.