Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
As you know, how people voted in that referendum cut across party lines. Of course there were patterns but no stereotypes fitted. The duty of the government was to ensure democracy prevailed and the vote was honoured. That fell to the Tories as govt in 2016-2019 and as you will likely agree was a key reason for them winning the 2019 general election so comfortably.

I haven't mentioned anything about the Tories here though. All I've done is respond to the post about food prices and pointed out that reality has not matched rhetoric, and then asked you to justify the claims in the video you posted and then called out others for essentially calling people gullible and stupid when many of the claims on "their side" were also, demonstrably absolute hogwash designed to prey on their fears. I don't call them gullible though. Hypocrites I guess, but not gullible.

I am "evangelical" (if you like that phrase!?) about respecting how people vote esp when it's working class people. I'm not sure on all of you here, but when I think of those who most vocally slag off leave voters in my life, they universally are wealthier, often with a second home elsewhere abroad or a mum with one etc - that's not to characterise all "remainers" as wealthy (although the wealthy overwhelmingly did vote remain) but to say that in my experience those who were most obnoxious about accepting the result had a financial interest in it. So I have very little time for people who throw around insults based on that, or any other election.

I am also "evangelical" about respecting the result. The way some go on is absolutely the way some MAGA types went on about Trump losing the 2020 election, presenting all kinds of conspiracy theories about it rather than accepting defeat.

It's annoying and unhelpful.

As for leaving the EU, we simply don't know what would have happened. Everywhere in Europe has had a really bad time since 2020. It is impossible to separate COVID and Ukraine from any of it and when you look at the data without cherry picking it, it is balanced. We are doing better than some countries on some things and worse on others - was ever thus. Such a position doesn't sound evangelical to me, it sounds like the truth.
More sanctimonious bollocks

It's never ending

You are typing all this pseudo academic nonsense on here and hardly anyone reads it

It's not about debate It's about you

Take up knitting