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Thread: Next door barking dog

  1. #1

    Next door barking dog

    Apart from shooting the bloody thing what can be done ?

    Is it local council noise pollution

    I had a lady round the other day in the back yard and she almost had a heart attack when the dog growled at her from the other side of the solid fence

    I wonder if dog training might help but I think the owner is lazy and simply can't be bothered taking the poor thing for a walk

  2. #2

    Re: Next door barking dog


  3. #3

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Apart from shooting the bloody thing what can be done ?

    Is it local council noise pollution

    I had a lady round the other day in the back yard and she almost had a heart attack when the dog growled at her from the other side of the solid fence

    I wonder if dog training might help but I think the owner is lazy and simply can't be bothered taking the poor thing for a walk
    I have one of them too. Not a manly bark like an alsation or a labrador, but one of those pathetic little things the size of a rat. Looks like a yorkshire terrier that does a constant flurry of machine gun staccato of yaps. His owner tells him to shut up bit without any conviction. A bit like those mothers that pathetically pleads “Oh please Henry, will you please stop doing that” without any authority.

    The little scruffy shite is doing it now a little bit will I am working quietly in the garden enjoying the sun, but not too much! The other day last week I picked up a neighbours tennis ball in my garden and threw it at his arse but he looked up and saw it just before it hit him. He scarpered indoors.

    Its now a fairly daily Mexican standoff. He sees me and stares at me. As long as I raise my arm he f-ucks off through those flap doors so thankfully I don’t have to throw the ball. He is au fait with the idea.

    Got any tennis balls?

  4. #4

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Isn't that what Glenn Hoddle said about disabled people ?

  5. #5

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    I have one of them too. Not a manly bark like an alsation or a labrador, but one of those pathetic little things the size of a rat. Looks like a yorkshire terrier that does a constant flurry of machine gun staccato of yaps. His owner tells him to shut up bit without any conviction. A bit like those mothers that pathetically pleads “Oh please Henry, will you please stop doing that” without any authority.

    The little scruffy shite is doing it now a lottlr bit will I am working quietly in the garden enjoying the sun, but not too much! The other day I picked up a neighbours tennis ball in my garden neighbours and threw it at his arse but he looked up and saw it just before it hit him. He scarpered.

    Recent says its a Mexican standoff. He sees me and stares at me. As long as I raise my arm he f-ucks off through those flap doors so thankfully I don’t have to throw the ball. He is au fait with the idea.

    Got any tennis balls?
    I had a cat shitting in my garden at the old place so I tried to get something that would make him through up if he ate it at my gaffe

    Apparently there is something out there but it might not be completely safe so I bought one of those kids pump action water guns , threw some treats about and blasted the twat one evening when he was nosing around

  6. #6

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I had a cat shitting in my garden at the old place so I tried to get something that would make him through up if he ate it at my gaffe

    Apparently there is something out there but it might not be completely safe so I bought one of those kids pump action water guns , threw some treats about and blasted the twat one evening when he was nosing around

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Kill it

  8. #8

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Apart from shooting the bloody thing what can be done ?

    Is it local council noise pollution

    I had a lady round the other day in the back yard and she almost had a heart attack when the dog growled at her from the other side of the solid fence

    I wonder if dog training might help but I think the owner is lazy and simply can't be bothered taking the poor thing for a walk
    I had the same thing for years except the inconsiderate morons next door let the dog out at 6:30 every morning when it would bark its head off.

    Thank God the dog died. Still the same inconsiderate neighbours though.

    PS There isn’t anything you can do.

  9. #9

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Pardon the pun but barking dogs are my pet hate. For about a year two dogs were barking night and day, and a neighbour would often scream "Shut those f**king dogs up, my baby is trying to sleep"

    Anyhow, we returned from holiday and the silence was deafening. I asked our local shopkeeper if anything had happened to the dogs and apparently it all kicked off when we away. The neighbour had finally flipped and went to the dog owners house at 2 in the morning, shouting and hammering on the door. The police were called but the woman refused to take the dogs into the house so I believe arrangements were put in place for the dogs to be removed. So happy days.

    Anyone having problem with noisy dogs should contact the local Environmental Protection Officer.

  10. #10

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Moodybluebird View Post
    Pardon the pun but barking dogs are my pet hate. For about a year two dogs were barking night and day, and a neighbour would often scream "Shut those f**king dogs up, my baby is trying to sleep"

    Anyhow, we returned from holiday and the silence was deafening. I asked our local shopkeeper if anything had happened to the dogs and apparently it all kicked off when we away. The neighbour had finally flipped and went to the dog owners house at 2 in the morning, shouting and hammering on the door. The police were called but the woman refused to take the dogs into the house so I believe arrangements were put in place for the dogs to be removed. So happy days.

    Anyone having problem with noisy dogs should contact the local Environmental Protection Officer.
    There are no bad dogs,but piss poor lazy owners.

  11. #11

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    i wont lie, this thread brought a smile to my face

  12. #12

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    There are no bad dogs,but piss poor lazy owners.
    Not so much lazy as incredibly inconsiderate. Just because she didn't want the dogs in her house she thought it was perfectly acceptable for them to bark all day and all night in her back garden. I believe they originally belonged to her son, who upped and left and didn't take the dogs with him.

  13. #13

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    There are no bad dogs,but piss poor lazy owners.
    gotta agree

  14. #14

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    gotta agree


  15. #15

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Get the Council involved as the owner could be open to prosecution.


  16. #16

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Blooburd View Post
    i wont lie, this thread brought a smile to my face
    You lie every time you type you light footed pony

  17. #17

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    There are no bad dogs,but piss poor lazy owners.

    Poor thing is probably distressed, not fair on the dog or the neighbours.

  18. #18

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by PontBlue View Post
    Get the Council involved as the owner could be open to prosecution.

    I have written her a pleasant letter outlining the options

    Or the dog vanishes

  19. #19

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by 2b2bdoo View Post

    Poor thing is probably distressed, not fair on the dog or the neighbours.
    She never takes it out for walks

    Some people are just hopeless

  20. #20

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby Dandruff View Post
    I had the same thing for years except the inconsiderate morons next door let the dog out at 6:30 every morning when it would bark its head off.

    Thank God the dog died. Still the same inconsiderate neighbours though.

    PS There isn’t anything you can do.
    It appears there is

  21. #21

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    She never takes it out for walks

    Some people are just hopeless
    I panic if my dog barks even for a few seconds in the garden, cats are her weakness lol. Tbh she’s spoilt rotten but well trained and harmless. I hate the thought of a dog being mistreated, happens far too often.

  22. #22

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I have written her a pleasant letter outlining the options

    Or the dog vanishes
    Get out the Korean cookery books.

  23. #23

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Didn't you have a problem with neighbour's cats at one point Sludge? I remember a thread about anti-cat tactics.

  24. #24

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    Didn't you have a problem with neighbour's cats at one point Sludge? I remember a thread about anti-cat tactics.
    It's just Sludge's love hate relationship with other peoples' pets. I remember the time he accused his neighbour's tortoise of following him.

  25. #25

    Re: Next door barking dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    It's just Sludge's love hate relationship with other peoples' pets. I remember the time he accused his neighbour's tortoise of following him.
    I remember that. Didn’t the hare win?

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