I think we all know that Israel's response to Oct 7th has been brutal on the people of Gaza. I guess they would argue that is Hamas' fault, both for their strike on Israel and then for hiding in amongst the population and making fleeing more difficult etc. I don't doubt there is a lot of truth in that, but if innocent people are dying, frankly who cares who is doing it? Israel without question lost some moral authority in its response.

That said, my initial thought this morning was one of sympathy. It's the only real democracy in the region. It's surrounded by extremist, undemocratic, violent, mysoginistic, borderline racist states, several of which want it to cease to exist and don't teach their own populations about the reasons why it was created after the war.

I know it is far, far from innocent, but none the less, It annoys me to see it have to take that from such an ideologically repugnant state as Iran