Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
Ok, as we've already had evidence above (even from individuals that share your chosen position of atheism) that the Biblical record of Jesus is accurate, including the resurrection, then let's dive into the research of another *atheist in the following docu/ movie > HERE

I understand you'll never want to watch the entire investigation, so let's cut to the chase, the key investigation into the resurrection itself, if you go to this point in the video >> 1:22:55 (1 hour 22 minutes and 55 seconds) which includes evidence from a secular scientific journal, then I would appreciate your comments on what was presented to the *atheist.

*An atheist at the time of this investigation.
Personally I think it is likely that there was a historical person that we now know as Jesus, do I believe any of the magic stuff - of course not. Most that was added at a later date by people who spotted the opportunity to grow a religion out of the death of a local figure.

Th early church was practically defined by martyrdom.

One theory I find interesting is whether Jesus Chris and Jesus Barrabas were actually the same person.

Barrabas was a leader of insurrection against the Roman occupation of the land - a charismatic leader who is striving to free his people but was betrayed and executed - thart seems far more lkely to be the kind of person that would generate a large number of supporters to forment a religion than a carpenter and lay preacher - but the resistance against the Romans was violent - and when they were undergoing the process to repaint the head of their cult as the messiah they couldn't have him murdering people so it was altered.
Just an interesting theory.