With "Neuralink" and other similar advances causing plenty of debate, it seems certain that we are heading towards a future of chips with everything, even us.
Today, more than 50,000 people have elected to have a subdermal chip surgically inserted between the thumb and index finger, serve as their new swipe key, or credit card. In Germany, for example, more than 2,000 Germans have opted to receive these implants; one man even used it to store a link to his last will and testament (article).

As we get used to paying with our phone, our watches and other wireless methods, the world has changed so much even in the last five years; ancient writings (from AD90) spoke of a time when the hand and the head would become THE means of all transactions, so was the writing already written 'on the wall' - and if this is the fulfilment of chapter 13 of Revelation (the last book of the Bible), then where is this all leading?