Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
All anecdotal of course Jim, although i'd say that it's not much to do with being more critical in thinking as a person gets older. I would have thought that life experience would make a person more gentle, forgiving, caring, possessing the ability to empathise that little bit more, give people the benefit of the doubt and attempt to listen to all sides of an argument, even if that 'Argument' is way off Kilter. Just by looking at this board as a small sample there does seem to be some twisted angry old men who have 101 reasons as to why everything is shit. Thing is, they're the common denominator
Because the internet has given them a voice .
I could be detrimental about them , but that would be supressing the caring, gentle, understanding and emphatic real me.
What you say is true .
But I certainly question more as well.