Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
Don't know about the specifics but I actually always thought she came across fairly well and seemed a nice person, unlike many on the left (and right) which often seem very unpleasant. She comes across as nicer than Angela Rayner for example who seems a right arsehole to me
Corbyn , Abbot , Mcdonald and their acolytes are all about their ego and in my opinion rant and rave just to get on the telly

Long Bailey cut her own throat by hitching up to that lot

They are ammo for the daily mail in that whilst they are not communists ....as the right wing gutter press likes to call them ....they are far too left and extreme for the electorate to take seriously

Tony Benn was another who I think wanted people to listen to him and clap at the end rather than listen to serious , achievable goals

In the same way Roy Hattersly , Dennis Healey etc used to go on a bit so did Benn, in his own way

Now we have starmer whom isn't a show off politican like Benn , Blair etc but just doesn't seem to cut it