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Thread: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

  1. #1

    Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Absolutely nuts

    God help us

  2. #2

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Absolutely nuts

    God help us
    Goodness, you talk about Him more than I do!

  3. #3

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    Goodness, you talk about Him more than I do!
    Pastor Gary Bird

    Mission 25

    Hells Angel Christian

    We gotta take IT to another level

    Take up your sword of responsibility


  4. #4

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Jesus is coming back and I am going to be on his side

    Republican Senator


  5. #5

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    2 nations have been created to glorify God !

    Israel and The United States

    And apparently it says this in the book of armageddon

    We who are evangelical Christians are going to have a great friend in Donald Trump in the Whitehouse

    And most of them are armed

    Turn out the lights

  6. #6

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    2 nations have been created to glorify God !

    Israel and The United States

    And apparently it says this in the book of armageddon

    We who are evangelical Christians are going to have a great friend in Donald Trump in the Whitehouse

    And most of them are armed

    Turn out the lights
    And I thought Christians were all about love thy neighbour!

  7. #7

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Absolutely nuts

    God help us
    What God would that be then - obviously not the one who doesn't exist? I'm afraid you're on your own then Sludge. It sounds like these Yanks are getting excited because there may be an opportunity to use their guns - yee haw, you all! I haven't seen the programme yet so can't comment further.

  8. #8

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    What God would that be then - obviously not the one who doesn't exist? I'm afraid you're on your own then Sludge. It sounds like these Yanks are getting excited because there may be an opportunity to use their guns - yee haw, you all! I haven't seen the programme yet so can't comment further.
    For God's sake , Jesus Christ, Jesus wept etc are part of modern vocab

    My next word could easily be feck , crap or bollocks

    I put no psychological weight on them or my use of them

    The religious right are simply an extreme extension of all Bible followers and indeed all organised religions

    It's no surprise lots of conservatives are church goers and it's no surprise that lots of republican voters and politicians are Bible bashing extremists

    The programme showed exactly why modern liberal countries should do everything they can to keep faith out of government and foreign policy

    The influence and financial contributions the American evangelical movement have and provide is absolutely terrifying

    The documentary should be on the news every night as this bunch of nutcases are far more dangerous than anything else

    And it's all down to that Bible

  9. #9

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Pastor Gary Bird

    Mission 25

    Hells Angel Christian

    We gotta take IT to another level

    Take up your sword of responsibility

    Some say they came from outer space
    But they are a part of the human race
    If you know the place where they can be found
    You may be the one who can wear the Crown

  10. #10

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post

    2 nations have been created to glorify God !

    Israel and The United States

    And apparently it says this in the book of armageddon

    Turn out the lights
    1. Not that I saw the programme, but the reference is to the fact that only two nations have been originally founded on Biblical principles. And even to this day, they are strongly tied together as was witnessed in the defence of Israel when Iran threw a lot of their precious toys out of the pram recently.

    2. There is no book of armageddon! Certainly not in the Bible

  11. #11
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    1. Not that I saw the programme, but the reference is to the fact that only two nations have been originally founded on Biblical principles. And even to this day, they are strongly tied together as was witnessed in the defence of Israel when Iran threw a lot of their precious toys out of the pram recently.

    2. There is no book of armageddon! Certainly not in the Bible
    ‘Biblical principles’?

    What ‘principles’ are you going to cherry pick to justify that statement?

    If you mean both were founded on the principles of violence and racism you might have a point - although the separation of church from state in the USA doesn't fit with most of your Old Testament theocracy.

    And The Book of Armageddon is the best bit!

  12. #12

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    ‘Biblical principles’?

    What ‘principles’ are you going to cherry pick to justify that statement?

    If you mean both were founded on the principles of violence and racism you might have a point - although the separation of church from state in the USA doesn't fit with most of your Old Testament theocracy.

    And The Book of Armageddon is the best bit!
    For someone who chooses to cherry pick parts of the Bible lifted out of their given context to fit their anti-christ agenda, then there is no hope of them understanding what 'Biblical Principles' means, thanks for ticking that box.

    As for looking at the state of America today, which is a patchy image from those who are living as Christ would want, to those like yourself who only have a completely secular and policitical mindset, then that has little to do with the founding of the Nation which was the issue being addressed.

  13. #13
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    For someone who chooses to cherry pick parts of the Bible lifted out of their given context to fit their anti-christ agenda, then there is no hope of them understanding what 'Biblical Principles' means, thanks for ticking that box.

    As for looking at the state of America today, which is a patchy image from those who are living as Christ would want, to those like yourself who only have a completely secular and policitical mindset, then that has little to do with the founding of the Nation which was the issue being addressed.
    Tetchy and garbled. Thanks for ticking the box.

  14. #14

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Tetchy and garbled. Thanks for ticking the box.
    As he normally does.

  15. #15

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Tetchy and garbled. Thanks for ticking the box.
    God ticked your box a couple of thousand years ago:

    "But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it..." 1 Corinthians 2:14

  16. #16

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    I have watched about two-thirds of the programme so far. I didn't realise it was 1.5 hours long - it's pretty hard going! There are undoubtedly some Christians who are looking forward to the end times and I can understand this as they are, I hope, real followers of Jesus Christ whose ultimate destiny is in heaven with him. What is difficult to stomach is their somewhat gleeful attitude to those who do not share the Christian faith and who will get zapped as a result. On the contrary, myself, I feel sorry for those people who have been exposed to the gospels but have chosen to reject Jesus. I did my bit Lord!

    I do not concern myself with predicting when Armageddon and the end times will occur but I admit the signs don't look too encouraging when I look around at the state of the world and ask myself how much worse can it get before Jesus returns? BTW the sight of Jesus coming back armed with an AK47 machine gun (as shown in the video) actually made me laugh out loud, which I immediately felt rather guilty about I confess! Beyond parody etc...

    How these same people believe that Trump is some kind of saviour I cannot comprehend. The guy makes a mockery of Christianity - that famous clip of him holding a Bible aloft outside a church he has never set foot in! By their fruits you shall know them....(sorry Sludge). Indeed, could Trump be the anti-Christ? Discuss!

  17. #17
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    God ticked your box a couple of thousand years ago:

    "But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it..." 1 Corinthians 2:14
    Thanks for the heads up!

    Although (sorry St Saul) it doesn’t just sound foolish - the so called truths you keep peddling on here sound reactionary, racist and totally deluded. Also smug, arrogant and feeble minded. But much of that must be down to the way you are wired - not to what you call your faith.

    Gofer shares a lot of your outlook (as do many other people I respect or admire) but somehow manages to present it with humility and doubt. He is a bit sad that the majority of humanity wont end up in an eternity of fluffy clouds and harps (we are victims of poor decisions, ignorance or unfortunate circumstances it seems) but no regrets from you. If you are really lucky maybe you and the Chosen People will be on the same cloud as Queen Liz II. A bonus in Paradise?

  18. #18

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Thanks for the heads up!

    Although (sorry St Saul) it doesn’t just sound foolish - the so called truths you keep peddling on here sound reactionary, racist and totally deluded. Also smug, arrogant and feeble minded. But much of that must be down to the way you are wired - not to what you call your faith.

    Gofer shares a lot of your outlook (as do many other people I respect or admire) but somehow manages to present it with humility and doubt. He is a bit sad that the majority of humanity wont end up in an eternity of fluffy clouds and harps (we are victims of poor decisions, ignorance or unfortunate circumstances it seems) but no regrets from you. If you are really lucky maybe you and the Chosen People will be on the same cloud as Queen Liz II. A bonus in Paradise?
    * I hope you'll be able to pass on your apologies to Paul personally.
    * Why is the Gospel racist? Christ died for all.
    * In what sense [on things that really matter] do you think Gofer has doubts?
    * Fluffy clouds and harps! Does your view of eternity extend beyond the cartoon version?

    * As for the excuse of the lost being the subject of poor decisions. No, they are the subject of firmly keeping themselves on the 'throne' of their life; telling God they have no need of His Son and His offer of Salvation.

    The most appropriate tune at their funeral is 'My Way'

  19. #19

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    And I thought Christians were all about love thy neighbour!
    After they’ve been crushed and reformed

  20. #20

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    God ticked your box a couple of thousand years ago:

    "But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it..." 1 Corinthians 2:14
    How long does it take to kick in? I know a few who tried for years but he never got back in touch with them? What did they do wrong? Possibly calling the wrong number maybe?

  21. #21

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    They reckon 30 percent of American voters are evangelical Christians

    People who believe the bible is the word of God

    A book not even written by him or Jesus.....but its all true

    And these nutters think jesus is coming back and this time he's going to be carrying a machine gun

    They think the earth is just 12000 years old despite all the scientific evidence

    And of course dinosaurs

    There are plenty of evangelical churches in the UK too

  22. #22

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    They reckon 30 percent of American voters are evangelical Christians

    People who believe the bible is the word of God

    A book not even written by him or Jesus.....but its all true

    And these nutters think jesus is coming back and this time he's going to be carrying a machine gun

    They think the earth is just 12000 years old despite all the scientific evidence

    And of course dinosaurs

    There are plenty of evangelical churches in the UK too
    And the worst part of it is that the UK blows kisses up the USA's backside.

  23. #23

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    They reckon 30 percent of American voters are evangelical Christians

    People who believe the bible is the word of God

    A book not even written by him or Jesus.....but its all true

    And these nutters think jesus is coming back and this time he's going to be carrying a machine gun

    They think the earth is just 12000 years old despite all the scientific evidence

    And of course dinosaurs

    There are plenty of evangelical churches in the UK too
    I think I'd prefer a radical christian to a radical muslim. I could never understand why anyone would want to 'follow' someone who had 9 or so wives ,one of whom was very young old when he married her - and the marriage was consummated.
    It's bad enough having to listen to a bloke who thinks he can walk on water and turn water into wine, without someone who should be on the list, getting in on the 'Im the son of God, follow me' routine.

    2000 years if you heard voices in your head you were some how connect with 'God' , try that these days and you are sectioned.

  24. #24

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    I think I'd prefer a radical christian to a radical muslim. I could never understand why anyone would want to 'follow' someone who had 9 or so wives ,one of whom was very young old when he married her - and the marriage was consummated.
    It's bad enough having to listen to a bloke who thinks he can walk on water and turn water into wine, without someone who should be on the list, getting in on the 'Im the son of God, follow me' routine.

    2000 years if you heard voices in your head you were some how connect with 'God' , try that these days and you are sectioned.
    I don't differentiate between Christians and Muslims

    There are nutters within both followings

  25. #25

    Re: Praying For Armageddon , American Fundamental Christians , BBC Four , 10 pm

    Thou shall not kill

    Unless you are an American Evangelical Christian

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