Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
For people who 'KNOW' - you certainly have one thing in common, and that's not being able to present any evidence or answer one question for the agnostic stance you've chosen to make your world view!
At the same time as circumnavigating the presentation of any verified evidence for a non-created universe including all life on earth, you claim to have a rock solid certainty that those who know God are the victim of fairy tales! - the irony is off the chart

Unfortunately the world view you currently support is such a mathetical improbability, it requires more faith than any human could logically possess:-

The likelihood of the spontaneous formation of life from inanimate matter is one to a number with 40,000 noughts after it… and if the beginnings of life were not random, they must therefore have been the product of purposeful intelligence.’”

This is an astounding improbability! To put “a number with 40,000 noughts after it” in context, it is estimated that the number of atoms in the observable universe is only a number with 80 noughts after it, a tiny number in comparison. As an engineer, this says to me that the atheistic worldview is based on a mathematical impossibility. Don’t ever let an atheist tell you that they don’t believe in miracles, because the mathematics shows that if they believe that the molecules essential for life arose through purely naturalistic processes, they do.

If you are an atheist, your confirmation bias may be screaming at you to ignore this evidence, but I hope you will research it for yourself. If you come across a good answer to this impossibility, I’d be interested to hear it.

If you are an agnostic, has mathematics given you a good reason to get off the fence?

This unimaginable mathematical improbability is only one of a number of difficulties that is causing a growing number of scientists to describe evolution as a theory in crisis. ...
- article.
God grief!

You still have the gall to accuse others of lack of evidence, confirmation bias and - best of all - unintended irony!

You are in a closed fantasy echo chamber and when others refuse to join you there you claim to have won some sort of argument.

And stop trying to tell me I’m an agnostic. I’m not.