Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Cærdiffi View Post
So you don't think every police officer is trustworthy and you've had a number of bad incidents with them and yet you want to give them guns.

Does training a bad person to use a gun make them more, or less bad in your opinion?
a bad person ? ? ? have i said they are bad people ? ? ?

I said i have had " bad incidents with the Police ", i have followed cardiff home and away since the late 80's, many of the incidents have been at the football

BUT would i have thought that the police would have shot people who were " acting up at the football " no of course not ( someone even used the Chelsea game in a previous post ), if i was wielding a knife of meat clever and threatening others / the police, i would expect then to shoot

I guess your " Does training a bad person to use a gun make them more, or less bad in your opinion? " is just one of your usual lines in that you hope to bring people in to post a " "

but i will reply anyways

a trained officer would be trained in how and when to use a firearm, they will be told the exact circumstances to fire ( just as they are trained and told when to tazer and pepper spray ) in all your encounters with these " BAD Lowly paid civil servant meathead bobby's with superiority-complex who chose a career in policing in order to assert their authority over others " how many times were you tazered, sprayed or even batoned " ?? ? ? as they have had these options for a good number of years