Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
Barely a fact in sight. Plenty of rabid poison, distortion, invention and hysterical waffle, though.

Starmer wasn't silent about the 'Labour antisemitism crisis', although why having a Jewish wife and kids is relevant to anything is beyond me. He clearly called out the genuine examples of antisemitism that were uncovered (although Labour is less infected than the Tories). Those people - where they turned out to be Labour members - should rightly be thrown out.

But just maybe he didn't want to jump on the campaign to cynically misuse the allegations to attack Corbyn, and maybe he was uncomfortable with the suspensions and expulsions of anti-racist, anti-Zionist members (very often Jewish) who were targeted for their support of Palestinians and opposition to Israeli abuses and crimes. They accounted for at least a large minority of the cases.

I hope that is true, but his actions (and those of Long-Bailey and Nandy) since he announced he was standing - endorsing the BOD demands etc - suggests not.
'anti-racist, anti-Zionist members (very often Jewish) who were targeted for their support of Palestinians and opposition to Israeli abuses and crimes. They accounted for at least a large minority of the cases.'

You're right except that they accounted for ALL the cases. And they were all bogus smears orchestrated by Labour's anti-Corbyn wing together with Zionist lobbying groups. This is proven and documented. Look at Al Jazeera's The Lobby, or the video produced after the election by the bogus political charity the 'Campaign Against Anti-Semitism', where they gloat over bringing him down successfully(I took a copy before the CAS took it down).

Corbyn failed to stand up to all this and instead started apologizing, showing the weakness and poor leadership which characterized his tenure. He should have made clear that the opposition to Israel's policies toward the Palestinians is not against Jews, Judaism or Jewish identity: it's against colonialism, against states which allocate rights according to race, against countries which steal other people's land through force, and it's in support of international law and justice in human affairs. Many self-defined Jews throughout the world know this and that's why they oppose what Israel is doing.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of resignations from Labour if Starmer carries on in the same way.