Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
Sandy Hook was a conspiracy theory. Anyone who thought that it was ok to even suggest anything other than it being a tragedy is a scumbag. It wasn't up for discussion. End of.
You are completely right about the real world consequences. Recently it was told how the parents of one boy shot dead at Sandy Hook were harassed so much they had to change identities and move away. They now cannot visit their 6 year olds grave. It is beyond tragedy.

But some can't resist propagating the myths and then are proud of themselves for doing it in a very clever way so they can innocently say but but but I never gave an opinion. The CCMB fantasist has forgotten that he didn't only post about janitors. Luckily for him, those posts have been lost but other people have memories.

Scumbag is putting it lightly. Utter c**t is what I'd say.