Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
With Brexit looming I though that I would if there is a possibility that I can obtain a "Get out of jail free" card in the form of discovering that either or my maternal grandparents were Irish or of other European stock (which was a rumour in the family) and the access it would give me to an EEC passport.
I have registered and used some of the genealogy sites (and one of them in particular impressed me) but my search has hitherto been in vain. I have found a census that shows that my mother lived with her adopted parents (and having their surname) when she was about 8 years old but nothing before that.
Only only child was born around the same time as her with the same Christian name but that may or may not have been a coincidence.
There is no-one alive in the family who may have known anything about the adoption but I wondered if any of you have any tips, in particular records that may be available in Cardiff.
Cyclops is your man