Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
Yes I did. Having the referendum thrust upon us I tried to learn about the situation as much as I possibly could - via newspaper and internet articles, quality newspapers, radio and TV debates and watching/listening/reading intelligent debates on both sides and over a long period of time. However, all of that, my experience of living in Europe, some rudimentary academic qualifications in Economics, a long-standing interest in politics etc. hardly qualified me from having an expert opinion regarding such an important subject. I tried to weigh up the current benefits and disbenefits of staying in the EU but I know that I'm really am a rank amateur (as were most people in my opinion).
I am very cynical of the EU project in the long-term but I voted to stay in. Other people with less knowledge than me were going to vote in their millions so it would have been silly in the circumstances not to have voted on the limited knowledge I did have - and I wasn't convinced by the utterances of many of the leaders of the Leave camp despite trying to be open-minded.
My point is that the electorate, me included, shouldn't vote on such complex matters.
Just my humble fluff-filled opinion with which you are more than welcome to disagree with.
Blimey you voted for a selection on something you have no idea about , I am definitely filling under 'Superficial Fluff'. lol.