Quote Originally Posted by Pedro de la Rosa View Post
Where do you stand on the current Tory government spending far more money than they've got? Chris Grayling alone is a "magic money tree". If you can point me to a Tory government surplus that doesn't involve selling off council houses, I'd love to see it, there hasn't been one since the Second World War.
All governments spend more money than they have got - it's called a deficit which has reduced substantially under this government. Where there is a deficit, debt will always rise. Labour's spending plans will add substantially to both debt and deficit levels. Sadly there is no political Party that is able to equalise income and expenditure. Spend less (austerity) is bad from the public viewpoint, spending more is good until expenditure has to be funded and that can only happen through growth and tax cuts. When people have to pay for government spending via increased taxation there is opposition meaning governments can't win.

As I have repeatedly said I am not a supporter of any political Party but, as matters stand, I cannot support the Labour Party while Corbyn is in charge as his policies in my view, will bankrupt the country.