Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
Remain then for 2 simple reasons that. One our GDP wouldn't have had to take much of a hit to nullify the savings made in contributions I.e. It just wasn't worth the risk in order to trade with a load of countries we can already trade with that are thousands of miles away.

2nd was that I just didn't think we would get our act together. Didnt actually see it going quite this badly. From a few chats with friends of friends who worked in the political sphere in London and Brussels their focus was always on the impossible task of negotiating lots of trade deals in a short period of time without conceding on lots of important points. They said we didn't have the civil servants to do this and none of the British in Brussels with the requisite skills were coming home.

Mind definitely not changed and I feel the economic argument has already been vindicated. We will wait and see with trade deals but given the way the negotiations with Europe have gone I don't hold out much hope.

Ps now I think about it there was a third reason. I actually like being able to move around Europe without much in the way. Not saying we won't be allowed to after brexit but the risk is there.
So you're in favour of remaining onboard the European Titanic? I just want to point out that the lifeboats are reserved for first-class passengers only