Quote Originally Posted by OurManFlint II View Post
Name the games i am sure there are many more where he performed.

2 stick in my mind, both Sweden; Italy euro 2002 (?) when they topped the group and the 2 in the recent qualifier against Denmark. He has Scored something like 1 every 2 games (or less) at some of the biggest clubs in the world. Sure he's no Henrick Larsson but people who dismiss his record do so to be hipster or as a dislike to the person rather than the achievement. Which is fine but say that rather than an old clique like flat track bully or goes missing.

At 34 lets see if he can still perform.
1) I also remember those games. He flicked the ball up in the air with his heel, in a very busy box at a set-piece and it was quite fortunate that it lobbed the defender on the line. Sweden were quite lucky to top that group and I don't think Ibrahimovic was anything special in helping them do so.

2) Ok fair enough, a big game, but hardly very difficult opponents.

3) You said it, 'at some of the biggest clubs'. Without doing any research, my guess is that PSG have the most expensive starting line-up in the world (apart from Real maybe). A very quick check on Google tells me PSG's results from last season (4-0, 6-0, 9-0...), hardly competitive is it?

4) I'm not doubting that he can score goals and I find it rather absurd that you would think anyone's opinion on a player would somehow be deemed as hipster...? What I'm saying is that he hasn't proved himself regularly in a competitive league, against a more consistent standard of defenders.

And YES, the bottom half of the Premier League has much stronger defences than AC Sicily and Bari Town FC.