Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
Perhaps it is, because I'm not understanding you at all. People were sharing their opinions on gun control and what they believe should be done in relation to it - not declaring their right to decide on what the US govt do. Please signpost me to where one person has said that what you're suggesting has been posted. If you can't do that, I suggest you try to refrain from making things up in future.

Since I know that it's only opinions that have been shared on this topic, not posters declaring anything about their rights to decide (or whatever else you may wish to suggest) - the fact that you were explicitly linking the same people as being against freedom of speech is definitely ironic when you were also saying that they have no right to suggest what America should or shouldn't do.
You did say they were right wing murderers, so I assume you checked your facts and didn't make any of it up?