Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
Clamping down they are. I worked at one of the big players a while back, and I am privy to some conversations at senior levels involving many of the companies. The onus has been on pubs broadcasting free stuff without paying Sky. Also trying to tackle the streamers, but that is a forlorn task. The streamers are clever, but the people sat at home assuming the law is on their side are less clever.

Now a few of the big players are lobbying to get the sale of pre loaded boxes outlawed - they are succeeding.

They are now moving onto the ISPs. The big players know ALL the streams, and under the snoopers charter they are confident that they can pressure the ISPs into providing the details of streamers and watchers alike. Leaving the EU is likely to make this easier. remember some people are watching illegal Sky streams on Sky broadband! Sky KNOW who each person watching is. They and the Governments hands are tied by EU regulation.

Within 3 years it will be illegal to watch SKY Sports via anything other than a Sky subscription. The companies know that they cannot press charges against everyone.

What I think will happen is that they will bring a few hundred cases against people watching via KODI or whatever. Then they will dish out heavy fines (£1000) to those people.

In the meantime the majority of the general public will ditch their Kodi boxes, probably having had some literature through the door from their ISP saying that it is illegal to watch. Some people will continue to defy the law, but will be easily caught.

Essentially, the EU lawmakers have been allowing this to happen and, once we are thankfully out, , a lot of the half baked laws will go too. And the tools are already in place to nail those who think it is justifiable to steal. If you're unfortunate enough to be called to explain your actions to a Judge, I'll be fascinated to hear his/her response to your belief of entitlement.

The big players are playing the long game and, as you all continue to watch for nothing, you could well be moving up the hit list because it will be the most prolific offenders that will get their collars felt.

Take your 50% off offers. In 2020 Sky will hold all the aces again, and will be charging a fortune because streaming will no longer exist .

Happy viewing!