Quote Originally Posted by Kitman View Post
There has to be gay footballers out there. There just has to be.

Because of the constant jokes about homosexuality they clearly stay well in the closet.

Yes there is no venom or hatred in them like the banana throwing of the 70s, but it's death by a million cuts.

The fact that so far the only gay footballer to come out was 30 odd years ago and ended up killing himself clearly highlights there is a problem here

Arrestible offence is a bit far. To be honest I don't think you should be arrested for anything you say unless it's threats to harm or planning harm

With regards to the whole fashanu thing, there seems to be a bit of history being rewritten these days.

I'm pretty sure his suicide followed him being arrested for the sexual assault of a 17 year old in USA. He fled back to England where he took his own life. His suicide note stated that he figured he wouldn't get a fair trial as he was gay.

I'm not saying he didn't suffer chants and abuse from the terraces but that wasn't the reason he killed himself.