Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I'm a self employed 64 year old who receives no payouts from the Government (apart from a Civil Service pension every month) who, for the past five weeks has had my weekly shop done by a Council appointed volunteer who is very good, but only goes to the local Lidls and so I cannot get all of the stuff I need. Therefore, I've made the choice to also do a fortnightly shop myself to my local Tescos (in Aberdare) - those trips, plus one or two more to the local Co-op, are the only food shopping I've done in the last eight weeks. In that time, I've also had to travel to local doctor's surgeries three times for blood tests, have taken my dog on a once a day walk very early every morning and I've gone on a once a week ten minute drive without stopping anywhere to make sure my somewhat unreliable car is still working!

As a result of the various Government announcements in the last few days, the only change I will be making to the above lifestyle is that I will start taking the dog for an additional walk today. I have decided to follow the advice of the Welsh Government, while ignoring what the UK Government says - I have come to that decision because I could understand what Mark Drakeford was saying, whereas I couldn't make out exactly what the Prime Minister, who I thought waved his arms about a lot and looked in good spirits, was trying to tell me.
Totally agree with you TOBW;there could not have been a more confusing message sent out than BJ's speech to the nation yesterday. Why the hell did they drop the Stay At Home slogan and replace it with Stay Alert? All he has done is offered a green light now to all the idiots who have been trying to break the lockdown rules. The vast majority who have abided by the lockdown rules I hope will continue to do so. I think he has dropped a massive clanger unless of course the panic is now over?