Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
Apologies if you think this is a personal attack. I don't think I mentioned the Russians. All I am trying to understand is the substance behind the innuendo and suggestions in the information you and I have accessed. What I have read is that the Awan family could be a Pakistani spy cell, who have infiltrated the DNC via Wassermann Shultz (perhaps by the accused sleeping with her) to have gained access to DNC information. This could well be the information that was passed to Wiki-Leaks probably by Seth Rich who was then silenced, possibly by Awan who knew him.

Set against this we have a criminal investigation by the authorities that has indicted Awan on fraud charges. On the balance of probabilities my brain tells me this is probably all there is. I respect your right to think otherwise but like my easily led views I would not expect those views of what happened to go unchallenged (when we know what those views are)
The Daily Caller and George Webb have looked into the Awan family extensively. Have the MSM covered any of it? No they haven't. A good question to ask is why not? The matter has been brought up by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on numerous occasions. All the MSM have done is conduct a hatchet job on Rep Devin Nunes, and constantly go on about the Russians. Well IMO it is all starting to unravel, so just sit back and enjoy the ride. There is a very good reason why Trump consistently refers to the MSM as fake news, it's because they constantly report fake news. The genie is out of the bottle and it's not going back inside anytime soon.