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Thread: Shootings in Paris

  1. #51

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Wow, what a rant, and what amazing leaps of fantasy you take.

    OK - by your new definition of the word "nutters" then 100% of us were nutters. You were implying something else though, let's not pretend that you weren't.

    You're also changing your definition of extremists. Do you not think it is possible to have extreme views (you quote Saudi Arabia) without becoming terrorists?

    Then you're claiming I am making excuses for the religion. I make no excuses for anyone. Most religions advocate murder as a form of punishment, the Bible says an eye for an eye. Try staying factual, because you're coming across as a Daily Express reader at present, scared shitless of the world that you live in.
    WTF are you on about. Iv never read the bible, I couldn't give a **** about the bible. And daily express reader. I don't even know what that is you prick. I watch bestgore try it sometime. Like I said, Fuk Islam and Fuk Muslims.

  2. #52

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Controversial by design! The Americans only had two bombs at the time. The third one was a month away, and the fourth would have been dropped in November.
    What a shame

  3. #53

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    WTF are you on about. Iv never read the bible, I couldn't give a **** about the bible. And daily express reader. I don't even know what that is you prick. I watch bestgore try it sometime. Like I said, Fuk Islam and Fuk Muslims.
    Definitely not a Daily Express reader, more likely the Beano.

  4. #54

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    What a shame
    Welcome back to the board CCFC Casual.

  5. #55

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Welcome back to the board CCFC Casual.
    Thanks. Good to beback

  6. #56

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Definitely not a Daily Express reader, more likely the Beano.
    I still don't no what the **** youre on about. Jump in front of a bus you kunt

  7. #57

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    I still don't no what the **** youre on about. Jump in front of a bus you kunt
    I'd love to, but the bus service around here is shit. I'd be waiting for 15 minutes.

  8. #58

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Yes, three from Cardiff so we need to understand WHY three Cardiff born lads suddenly felt the need to go to another country to fight, and the go about curing the disease and not just treat (bomb) the symptoms.

    Of course radicalisation is at the heart of this, it surely we have to ask why only a minority allow themselves to be radicalised?

    What your suggesting is similar to condemning Catholic, like me, for the crimes of the IRA, and go find out why THEY were formed in the first place, I think you'll find a common theme there.

    We need solutions, you're not offering any I'm afraid, just reproducing more rhetoric.
    Sorry you think it's just rhetoric, I knew it wouldn't be long before catholics and the Irish were mentioned, you asked me to find out why THEY, we're formed I don't have to, THEY, were formed to unify the island of Ireland hence the name, so the Irish REPUBLICAN army, we're not exclusively dedicated to bringing in a Catholic state. However the ISLAMIC state is. There are NO solutions because you CANNOT find common ground with people who wish you dead if you do not follow Islam.
    The minority are radicalised because they are against the state, any state, there is massive radicalisation in our prison system, because the radicalised want someone, anyone to blame.
    The three from Cardiff attended a mosque who's imam has openly said that white women can be made their sexual slaves. They went to the same school I attended many years before so had similar education and opportunities as me. I would say they were radicalised because they were taught in the mosque that they were superior.
    Sorry for the caps but you started it, I just put forward a different viewpoint to you. I'm happy to be wrong for the sake of future generations of my family. I'm not sure I am though.
    we have a mayor in London who happens to be a Muslim I don't know if he follows Islam or thinks the Koran is God's word, but I do know that his reaction to people being murdered is get used to it.

  9. #59

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by goslow View Post
    At no time before the dropping of the second bomb did the Japanese attempt to surrender, the most they were willing to do was an armistice with a return to pre war borders.
    Here's an in-depth summary of events. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v16/v16n3p-4_weber.html

  10. #60

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Here's an in-depth summary of events. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v16/v16n3p-4_weber.html
    90,000 dead from one bomb. The Yanks were evil. They simply wanted to see the true effects of the bomb, and we've been living with a background of fear of nuclear holocaust ever since.

  11. #61

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCPhil View Post
    90,000 dead from one bomb. The Yanks were evil. They simply wanted to see the true effects of the bomb, and we've been living with a background of fear of nuclear holocaust ever since.
    The Yanks never started the war with the Japs. The Japs wanted it, they got what they deserved. As for the threat of a nuclear Holocaust. That threat is probably the only thing that's keeping the Savage human race from going full retard. I sometimes wish it would really kick off. A full scale nuclear war might save more people than all these scermishes that are constantly happening throughout the world

  12. #62

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCPhil View Post
    90,000 dead from one bomb. The Yanks were evil. They simply wanted to see the true effects of the bomb, and we've been living with a background of fear of nuclear holocaust ever since.
    + Cholera, Anthrax, Agent Orange and Napalm in Vietnam.

  13. #63

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    The Yanks never started the war with the Japs. The Japs wanted it, they got what they deserved. As for the threat of a nuclear Holocaust. That threat is probably the only thing that's keeping the Savage human race from going full retard. I sometimes wish it would really kick off. A full scale nuclear war might save more people than all these scermishes that are constantly happening throughout the world
    They say cockroaches will survive the holocaust so at least it won't affect your post count.

  14. #64
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Something Blue View Post
    Sorry you think it's just rhetoric, I knew it wouldn't be long before catholics and the Irish were mentioned, you asked me to find out why THEY, we're formed I don't have to, THEY, were formed to unify the island of Ireland hence the name, so the Irish REPUBLICAN army, we're not exclusively dedicated to bringing in a Catholic state. However the ISLAMIC state is. There are NO solutions because you CANNOT find common ground with people who wish you dead if you do not follow Islam.
    The minority are radicalised because they are against the state, any state, there is massive radicalisation in our prison system, because the radicalised want someone, anyone to blame.
    The three from Cardiff attended a mosque who's imam has openly said that white women can be made their sexual slaves. They went to the same school I attended many years before so had similar education and opportunities as me. I would say they were radicalised because they were taught in the mosque that they were superior.
    Sorry for the caps but you started it, I just put forward a different viewpoint to you. I'm happy to be wrong for the sake of future generations of my family. I'm not sure I am though.
    we have a mayor in London who happens to be a Muslim I don't know if he follows Islam or thinks the Koran is God's word, but I do know that his reaction to people being murdered is get used to it.
    You know that do you?


  15. #65

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    + Cholera, Anthrax, Agent Orange and Napalm in Vietnam.

  16. #66

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCPhil View Post
    They say cockroaches will survive the holocaust so at least it won't affect your post count.
    Yeah. Shame on me for having better things to do than sit in front of the internet posting on here every day lol. Omg wish I had a post count as high as yours. I'd feel so cool then.....

  17. #67

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Excellent film

  18. #68

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    Yeah. Shame on me for having better things to do than sit in front of the internet posting on here every day lol. Omg wish I had a post count as high as yours. I'd feel so cool then.....

  19. #69

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Yes I do actually, I can't link but if you can be bothered, to look it up the actual quote was its part and parcel of living in a major city.

  20. #70

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Sorry, I meant to quote to you but my reply is further down.

  21. #71

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    [QUOTE=jon1959;4735684]You know that do you?


    Yes actually, I do, Khan has quoted on television that it is part and parcel of living in a big city. Look it up, not fake news its there from him on camera. Hardly Churchillian. The rest of your quote says implicitly, I don't know.

  22. #72

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    The Yanks never started the war with the Japs. The Japs wanted it, they got what they deserved. As for the threat of a nuclear Holocaust. That threat is probably the only thing that's keeping the Savage human race from going full retard. I sometimes wish it would really kick off. A full scale nuclear war might save more people than all these scermishes that are constantly happening throughout the world
    Are you for real? In your full-scale nuclear war those who aren't instantly vapourised or incinerated in the fireball will die a slow agonising death from third degree burns or radiation sickness. There will be no safe place on the planet unless you live in North Korea where they seem to believe they will survive! (It's skirmishes by the way).

  23. #73

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Something Blue View Post
    Sorry you think it's just rhetoric, I knew it wouldn't be long before catholics and the Irish were mentioned, you asked me to find out why THEY, we're formed I don't have to, THEY, were formed to unify the island of Ireland hence the name, so the Irish REPUBLICAN army, we're not exclusively dedicated to bringing in a Catholic state. However the ISLAMIC state is. There are NO solutions because you CANNOT find common ground with people who wish you dead if you do not follow Islam.
    The minority are radicalised because they are against the state, any state, there is massive radicalisation in our prison system, because the radicalised want someone, anyone to blame.
    The three from Cardiff attended a mosque who's imam has openly said that white women can be made their sexual slaves. They went to the same school I attended many years before so had similar education and opportunities as me. I would say they were radicalised because they were taught in the mosque that they were superior.
    Sorry for the caps but you started it, I just put forward a different viewpoint to you. I'm happy to be wrong for the sake of future generations of my family. I'm not sure I am though.
    we have a mayor in London who happens to be a Muslim I don't know if he follows Islam or thinks the Koran is God's word, but I do know that his reaction to people being murdered is get used to it.
    I'm all for different viewpoints mate, but what's the solution?

    Btw, the Provisional IRA, emerged in the 60's, pretty much as a defensive counter to what they saw as having their homeland colonised by a foreign country and persecution of (in the north) a religious minority. Any of this sounding familiar?

  24. #74

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Are you for real? In your full-scale nuclear war those who aren't instantly vapourised or incinerated in the fireball will die a slow agonising death from third degree burns or radiation sickness. There will be no safe place on the planet unless you live in North Korea where they seem to believe they will survive! (It's skirmishes by the way).
    Really? No where to hide? Fireballs? Well what the **** we waiting for. Let's get the fireworks started. although I'm sure humans would survive unfortunately, I'm mean we've survived a lot worse after all, like the toba eruption. And by the way. It's scermishes, when I've had a drink, so put your spell fairy wings away

  25. #75

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    I'm all for different viewpoints mate, but what's the solution?

    Btw, the Provisional IRA, emerged in the 60's, pretty much as a defensive counter to what they saw as having their homeland colonised by a foreign country and persecution of (in the north) a religious minority. Any of this sounding familiar?
    I've already said that I don't believe there is a solution, However I'm a plumber so I don't know why you keep asking me. I do not know why you've posted about a religious minority at all, I'm sure you know that Muslims are not a minority in the middle east, I also don't think that the UK, France, USA, Germany, SWEDEN yes Sweden, are in the business of colonisation these days.
    Sorry no it isn't familiar, we don't live in the 19th century.
    It doesn't sound familiar, and please don't think you are conversing with a bigot. A link for you.
    The Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) is a militant, nationalist organisation which aims at ending British rule in Northern Ireland by violent means and at establishing a united Irish republic.

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