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Thread: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

  1. #1

    When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    The Social Justice Warriors will eventually consume themselves. Even strident dogmatists like Germaine Greer have already been ostracised by the transgender lobby. The demands of these angry protestors will become so ludicrous that the masses will turn to Islam for the old fashioned standards we had in the 1950s. Unfortunately for some our standards will end up being a bit more 7th century than 1950s. Nevertheless, for most people the stability these rules will bring will be welcomed.

    Under Islam they will not have to worry about their children changing sex, marrying the family pet or whatever mad thing the Social Justice Warriors can think up. In fact, all these political extremists will be rounded up and executed just as the communists were in Iran after the revolution. Although Young Bob Wilson thinks I am a Muslim hater I would rather my descendants turn to Islam than change sex. I suppose I have just outed myself as some kind of evil monster for having such a thought but I have never met any normal person - by the way, I am not including most of the posters here in that category - who doesn't hate all this transgender nonsense. It sickens me that kids are being encouraged to change their sex by foolish parents and mad activists.

    The transgender crowd mob this academic because he has refused to use invented pronouns to describe transgender students. They will get him sacked and they will ruin his life.


    This is an example of Social Justice Warriors protesting at one his talks.


  2. #2

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    I know a married couple who adopted a 5 year old child who, ten years later, wanted gender re-assignment so badly that she ran away from home and wouldn't come back under any circumstances regarding the matter - as her adoptive parents asked her to wait a few years before making any drastic decisions. 'Encouragement' didn't play a part.

  3. #3

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    We'll never know though so it is like arguing with a christian about heaven/god etc.

    We'll be long, longggggggggg gone before anything possibly changes in the demographics that you suggest.

    Not that it will get to that as there are enough numpties that fear change to cause an end of times style war.
    Last edited by LordKenwyne; 22-03-17 at 13:57.

  4. #4

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    The first video of the debate between the two professors epitomises the problem. The transgender prof was self-obsessed and agonising about the relatively minor problems faced by some transgender people. The notion that legislating to force Canadians to use new pronouns is a draconian step never troubled his/her pretty little mind. The issue for him/her/it was the subjugation of his/her/its people and the implications for wider society and indeed the future of humanity didn't seem to register.

    I thought that the psychology professor acquited himself very well with a great deal of dignity.

    If someone wants to refer to themselves using a new pronoun that is fair enough but to force people to do it through changes to the law is a step too far. At the end of the day, with all of the problems going on in the world, is using one of a host of new pronouns to refer to someone with fluid identity issues really worth fighting over? Where will this end?
    Last edited by severncity; 22-03-17 at 14:28.

  5. #5

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    The first video of the debate between the two professors epitomises the problem. The transgender prof was self-obsessed and agonising about the relatively minor problems faced by some transgender people. The notion that legislating to force Canadians to use new pronouns is a draconian step never troubled his/her pretty little mind. The issue for him/her/it was the subjugation of his/her/its people and the implications for wider society and indeed the future of humanity didn't seem to register.

    I thought that the psychology professor acquited himself very well with a great deal of dignity.

    If someone wants to refer to themselves using a new pronoun that is fair enough but to force people to do it through changes to the law is a step too far. At the end of the day, with all of the problems going on in the world, is using one of a host of new pronouns to refer to someone with fluid identity issues really worth fighting over? Where will this end?
    He defended himself very well, but he can't survive. Once these fanatics smell blood they will attack until you are sacked or dead. It wasn't so long ago when same sex marriage would not have been thought possible. How far are things going to go? I predict that before the Muslims take over you will be able to marry your pet, your parent and even your clone.

  6. #6

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    He defended himself very well, but he can't survive. Once these fanatics smell blood they will attack until you are sacked or dead. It wasn't so long ago when same sex marriage would not have been thought possible. How far are things going to go? I predict that before the Muslims take over you will be able to marry your pet, your parent and even your clone.
    Still hope for us on the politics forum then.

  7. #7

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Still hope for us on the politics forum then.
    That's funny. Eric, you are a bit soft headed but at least you have a sense of humour which is something these fanatics lack.

  8. #8

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    That's funny. Eric, you are a bit soft headed but at least you have a sense of humour which is something these fanatics lack.
    Dear me. Go seek help.

  9. #9

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    That's funny. Eric, you are a bit soft headed but at least you have a sense of humour which is something these fanatics lack.
    Dai, you veer between episodes of lucidity and senility. It's little wonder matron becomes frustrated with your antics.

    The moral compass that most lived by when I was a kid in the 1970s has largely disappeared. These days and for many years prior we have had a popular culture that consists of vulgarity and precious little else. The constant need for idle amusement which is satisfied by gazing at a screen of some description has become a necessity for so many.

  10. #10

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Dai, you veer between episodes of lucidity and senility. It's little wonder matron becomes frustrated with your antics.

    The moral compass that most lived by when I was a kid in the 1970s has largely disappeared. These days and for many years prior we have had a popular culture that consists of vulgarity and precious little else. The constant need for idle amusement which is satisfied by gazing at a screen of some description has become a necessity for so many.
    Ah yes, the glory days of rampant sexism, homophobia and racism.

    The moral compass of all those baby boomers that bled the country dry...

    Pull out a chair for a women and that'll make up for her never having a chance of a career.

    Where did we go wrong...

  11. #11

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    But I'll agree on the gazing screen part. I have no idea how recent media will affect the generations growing up.

    14 year olds watching videos of beheadings in syria etc. It cannot be good.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    When Islam takes over it will be the same, as some will always judge,hate and kill someone.

  13. #13

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Dai, you veer between episodes of lucidity and senility. It's little wonder matron becomes frustrated with your antics.

    The moral compass that most lived by when I was a kid in the 1970s has largely disappeared. These days and for many years prior we have had a popular culture that consists of vulgarity and precious little else. The constant need for idle amusement which is satisfied by gazing at a screen of some description has become a necessity for so many.
    Organ if your moral compass was set in the 1970s then that explains your sexual depravity and your ludicrous dress sense. In the 1970s we had paedophiles and their apologists like Harriet Harman running riot. That's when the wheels really fell off but they had started wobbling in the mid to late 60s. Your sentence about "the constant need for idle amusement" reminded me of Alan Durban when he said if football fans want entertainment they should go to a circus. He was talking about the complaints of Stoke and Arsenal fans but, of course, we, as Cardiff fans, had no such expectation.

  14. #14

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The Social Justice Warriors will eventually consume themselves. Even strident dogmatists like Germaine Greer have already been ostracised by the transgender lobby. The demands of these angry protestors will become so ludicrous that the masses will turn to Islam for the old fashioned standards we had in the 1950s. Unfortunately for some our standards will end up being a bit more 7th century than 1950s. Nevertheless, for most people the stability these rules will bring will be welcomed.

    Under Islam they will not have to worry about their children changing sex, marrying the family pet or whatever mad thing the Social Justice Warriors can think up. In fact, all these political extremists will be rounded up and executed just as the communists were in Iran after the revolution. Although Young Bob Wilson thinks I am a Muslim hater I would rather my descendants turn to Islam than change sex. I suppose I have just outed myself as some kind of evil monster for having such a thought but I have never met any normal person - by the way, I am not including most of the posters here in that category - who doesn't hate all this transgender nonsense. It sickens me that kids are being encouraged to change their sex by foolish parents and mad activists.

    The transgender crowd mob this academic because he has refused to use invented pronouns to describe transgender students. They will get him sacked and they will ruin his life.


    This is an example of Social Justice Warriors protesting at one his talks.

    Don't worry bdsm/fetish warriors will save us...

    What I wanna know is why the spiky kink warriors are always the bad evil marauders. They might be into some weird shit and unafraid to show it but that doesn’t mean they want to go around killing dudes. They’re a tight-knit bunch. A lot of them are queer. They understand the importance of community.

    If the government collapses and all laws come to an end, the people rampaging around killing and looting are gonna be like, frat boys and 4chan rejects. You can mistrust the bondage raiders all you like but they’re definitely the ones you’re going to run to for help when the neoliberal blood cultists and Nazi meme demons lay siege to your survivor enclave. There’s gonna be gayboy berserkers busting up slaver gangs and burning down warboy frat houses. The assless-chaps leather daddies and weird petplay people are gonna be the accidental peacekeepers of the post-apocalyptic world just because they’re the only mother****ers who understand the importance of consent anymore.

    Listen. Don’t come to me asking how to get the secret cadre of bisexual death commandoes to protect your wretched tent village if you’re scared that we might call in the kinksters for backup. I don’t give a shit if they dress up like dogs and spend all day writing poems about butt plugs. There’s assholes out there acting like Vlad the Impaler on a meth bender and you’re afraid of seeing a nipple. **** you. If you really want to get rid of the MRA death gangs you’re going to have to accept that a lesbian chainsaw dominatrix or two might be involved. It’s the ****ing post-apocalypse my guy we gotta weigh our priorities here

  15. #15

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    Ah yes, the glory days of rampant sexism, homophobia and racism.

    The moral compass of all those baby boomers that bled the country dry...

    Pull out a chair for a women and that'll make up for her never having a chance of a career.

    Where did we go wrong...
    Up until I was 12 in 1974 I attended a church or chapel every Sunday, so did all my pals. I wasn't religious at all, nor were my parents. It was just something we did as that's how it was. My parents had ordinary blue collar jobs, ditto everyone else's father, though far fewer women worked then, and every one of them had a mother and father who were married. These days most kids are born out of wedlock. Aside from a tiny few who occasionally smoked funny fags, drug taking was unknown and so was home burglaries. That was Treforest, not leafy suburbia.

    Less women worked because of cultural reasons and homes cost circa 3 times a typical annual wage instead of times 8 today so they didn't need to work to purchase a home, again unlike today. As a direct consequence far more infants were nurtured by their mother instead of others because they cannot afford not to work. It's fabulous for the money lenders as they rake in much more interest on mortgage loans for money they don't actually have (read up on Fractional Reserve Banking to learn how the scam works). And when they cock-up, the state's there to bail them out, plus they're exempt from the Theft Act; they get a corporate fine when done for manipulating LIBOR rates and laundering billions of criminal proceeds while Mr or Mrs Nobody is pursued relentlessly for laundering peanuts.

    Casual sexism, homophobia and racism (I'd define it as culturalism) were openly ubiquitous then, I agree.

    Am not sure what you mean re boomers bleeding the country dry. Without checking, I'm sure the State Pension here is far less generous than Germany and France.

  16. #16

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Up until I was 12 in 1974 I attended a church or chapel every Sunday, so did all my pals. I wasn't religious at all, nor were my parents. It was just something we did as that's how it was. My parents had ordinary blue collar jobs, ditto everyone else's father, though far fewer women worked then, and every one of them had a mother and father who were married. These days most kids are born out of wedlock. Aside from a tiny few who occasionally smoked funny fags, drug taking was unknown and so was home burglaries. That was Treforest, not leafy suburbia.

    Less women worked because of cultural reasons and homes cost circa 3 times a typical annual wage instead of times 8 today so they didn't need to work to purchase a home, again unlike today. As a direct consequence far more infants were nurtured by their mother instead of others because they cannot afford not to work. It's fabulous for the money lenders as they rake in much more interest on mortgage loans for money they don't actually have (read up on Fractional Reserve Banking to learn how the scam works). And when they cock-up, the state's there to bail them out, plus they're exempt from the Theft Act; they get a corporate fine when done for manipulating LIBOR rates and laundering billions of criminal proceeds while Mr or Mrs Nobody is pursued relentlessly for laundering peanuts.

    Casual sexism, homophobia and racism (I'd define it as culturalism) were openly ubiquitous then, I agree.

    Am not sure what you mean re boomers bleeding the country dry. Without checking, I'm sure the State Pension here is far less generous than Germany and France.
    As I read that I could hear the largo from Dvorak's New World Symphony and I could see a boy pushing a bike up a cobbled hill. It brought a tear to my eye. A tear of laughter because you never set foot in Treforest. You were a spoilt rich kid from Cowbridge. You looked just like Little Lord Fauntleroy with your top hat, frills and spats. I, on the other hand, really did spend some time in Treforest - in the hospital suffering from something that would be hard to believe today.

  17. #17

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Dai, I'd be surprised if there's a more curmudgeonly resident of Finisham Nursing Home than you.

    You'd like these forums: http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/for...f-topic-forum/ http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/for...d-the-economy/

    Here's a live debt clock of the world's most indebted nations: http://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html Have posted that as a reminder that getting shiny crisis insurance money might be prudent as when this fiat debt mountain implodes it'll be horrendous.

  18. #18
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    Ah yes, the glory days of rampant sexism, homophobia and racism.

    The moral compass of all those baby boomers that bled the country dry...
    Pull out a chair for a women and that'll make up for her never having a chance of a career.

    Where did we go wrong...
    Christ, we wouldn't want them to miss out on a career would we.

  19. #19

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Seems yesterday's murdering bastard was another Christian who converted to Islam.

  20. #20

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by tigerbaybluebird View Post
    Seems yesterday's murdering bastard was another Christian who converted to Islam.
    The fact that he was a bodybuilder who converted to Islam is more relevant. I would guess that steroids had something to do with it.

  21. #21

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Dai, I'd be surprised if there's a more curmudgeonly resident of Finisham Nursing Home than you.

    You'd like these forums: http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/for...f-topic-forum/ http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/for...d-the-economy/

    Here's a live debt clock of the world's most indebted nations: http://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html Have posted that as a reminder that getting shiny crisis insurance money might be prudent as when this fiat debt mountain implodes it'll be horrendous.
    That forum seems to be full of doom-mongers like yourself saying the world will end next Wednesday. The housing market has been about to crash since I was a youngster. I can remember workmates being mocked for taking out £8k mortgages. "You'll have that debt around your neck for the rest of your life" they used to say. But property has always been a good investment.

  22. #22

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Yes, prescience is alive and well there. It's beyond the living memory of anyone alive today when property wasn't a good investment. It's in a massive bubble now though along with stocks and shares. The biggest bubble of all is debt as indicated by my earlier link. The money printing bonanza went full retard in 2008. Under Obama's tenure he very nearly clocked up more debt than all his predecessors combined did in over 200 years. Britain did similarly in those eight years to double what had been accumulated over the previous thousand years. The Chinese and especially Indians know monetary history; it's why they hoard so much gold and silver for they know those metals have been money for thousands of years and not one ounce of it can be created with a keystroke.

    Hop on your mobility scooter to get some genuine dough at a a hugely depressed price because it's best to be (maybe} 18 months early than a minute late.

  23. #23

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The Social Justice Warriors will eventually consume themselves. Even strident dogmatists like Germaine Greer have already been ostracised by the transgender lobby. The demands of these angry protestors will become so ludicrous that the masses will turn to Islam for the old fashioned standards we had in the 1950s. Unfortunately for some our standards will end up being a bit more 7th century than 1950s. Nevertheless, for most people the stability these rules will bring will be welcomed.

    Under Islam they will not have to worry about their children changing sex, marrying the family pet or whatever mad thing the Social Justice Warriors can think up. In fact, all these political extremists will be rounded up and executed just as the communists were in Iran after the revolution. Although Young Bob Wilson thinks I am a Muslim hater I would rather my descendants turn to Islam than change sex. I suppose I have just outed myself as some kind of evil monster for having such a thought but I have never met any normal person - by the way, I am not including most of the posters here in that category - who doesn't hate all this transgender nonsense. It sickens me that kids are being encouraged to change their sex by foolish parents and mad activists.

    The transgender crowd mob this academic because he has refused to use invented pronouns to describe transgender students. They will get him sacked and they will ruin his life.


    This is an example of Social Justice Warriors protesting at one his talks.

    What a load of bollocks.

  24. #24

    Re: When Islam takes over it will be a relief

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    What a load of bollocks.
    Try saying that to the tranny professor. She/he/it will have you up in court for using the wrong noun to describe his/her/its unnatural genitals.

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