Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
I've never come across any mention of the Awans having anything to do with Wikileaks. I did hear about the used car dealerships, which now seem to have some sort of connection to Hezbollah.
Perhaps you just joined the dots yourself then!

The key to the door has been unlocked, and from hereon in the whole house of cards could fall very quickly. Since they have the husband and the wife their stories could unravel fast. Wasserman Schultz is next in the firing line, and who knows where it will go from there. An indictment means they cannot flee the country and further investigations are currently ongoing. There is a lot of info on the internet laying out the potential crimes that they have commited. In fact, it is from these investigations by alternative media and private citizens that brought about these initial charges. The DNC and certain law enforcement agencies tried to bury the whole thing. It will also be interesting where this all of this fits in with the pending Assange revelations. Awan is known to have been associated with Seth Rich.