Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
I sometimes wonder if some of the above posters who pontificate about “religion” have ever met a Christian? Unless I am unique (which I know I’m not, as I know a lot of Christians),


Am not afraid of death (the manner of my dying is a different matter!)

Am not holier than thou/superior, in fact the opposite, because as much as I try, I know I can never be truly Christ-like because I am a human being

Have no desire to harm anyone of a different faith

Have no desire to subjugate the masses

Have no desire to indoctrinate anyone – I witness to being a Christian by the way I try to live my life but whether others wish to emulate that, that’s up to them

Am not “some sanctimonious arsehole judging others for their beliefs or non beliefs”. That’s not to say I don’t feel sad when I look around and see what a mess some people make of their lives and the way the world in general is going; but this is to be expected of course as society has mostly rejected Christ and his teaching.

Will go to heaven simply because I believe in Jesus Christ, not because of any good works I may have done (I do good works because I believe that is what Jesus expects me to do, not for reward) and because I own up to being a sinner (yes, that word, how very non-PC!).
Agree with all of the above.

For me, my grandfather was the man I felt most lived up to “Christian values” in terms of the way he conducted himself and treated others. But he had no religion at all.

I know I’m biased, but if all believers of whatever faith, led their lives like him, the world would be a much better place.

For me, we have to many people following “man-made” religious laws and not enough following Christ’s teaching of live to one another.

And here endeth today’s sermon.