Quote Originally Posted by Mr Soul '68 View Post
I'd knock down ccfc_is_my_life's house and build a multi story car park there!

Seriously though, something does need to be done. How about (and this will really cause ccfc_is_my_life to become mega irate) the council abolish double yellow lines, and resident's parking only, in the Heath area around the hospital. Therefore giving up more parking spaces for those that work at the hospital, patients attending, and those that need to take their elderly and infirm relatives/friends to the hospital. All of this parking should, of course, be FREE. Not by charging for this parking, therefore fleecing and ripping people off.
An even better idea would be to make parking at UHW weight-dependent. Slim staff, park no problem. The mass of overweight nurses? Make them park 5 miles away, at a specified time and have to run in to get to work by a certain time. Give them a fine if they are late.

Would help stop them looking a tad hypocritical when they advise patients to lose weight. They'd probably have a better chance of achieving their lifetime dream of bagging a consultant if they got in shape too.