Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Tell me more. All I see is that in terms of the economy, jobs, wages etc are continuing growth from the Obama presidency.
The healthy U.S. economy narrative is an illusion. 37% of working age Americans do no paid work but their headline unemployment rate is 3.5%. If they returned to measuring the number as they did until 1981 the headline rate would be 23%, just 2% lower than what it stood at during the height of the 1930s Great Depression. Similar fiddling accounts for their official CPI inflation rate. That stands at 2%. If it was computed as it was it would be 9-10%. Their calculation ignores price changes in what every citizen, bar for the homeless, must purchase: food and energy. They do so to rob the middle and working classes (especially pensioners and others on fixed incomes) to benefit the top few percent.

A true inflation number would also reveal the U.S. economy is in recession today and has been every year since 1996. It's why the U.S. national debt has doubled every 8 years since 1980. QE has accentuated the ever increasing income inequality there. Yesterday their central bank boss announced another new round of QE by another name, and they've cut their interest rate twice in the last 3 months. They rise in a healthy vibrant economy. Trump says it's 'the greatest economy ever' yet he's always imploring the Fed to cut more and faster. Trump's a swamp monster who lies about everything.