Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
These are the kind of nothing incidents that have been parcelled up with Livingstone and a few moron councillors to 'prove' that antisemitism is a substantially bigger problem within the Labour party than wider society. One of the major examples touted was Miko Peled talking at a fringe event about how we shouldn't censor holocaust deniers.

Unfortunately what you have now is a number of different factions with completely different reasons for supporting the cause. Labour MP's unaligned to Corbyn want him out so we see the crocodile tears flowing from them, the press is mostly controlled by people who don't want a left wing government so any way of preventing that is fair game for them and Israeli groups need influence within Western Governments to be given carte blanche to get away with the shit they want to back home. They appear to already own the presidency so all their efforts can be transferred to the UK.

That isn't to say that there are people saying mean things and they shouldn't be punished. It is just how I personally see the lay of the land.

In a week where a conservative MEP called for treason laws to be updated to include those 'loyal to the EU' the newspapers care infinitely more about a labour councillor who was suspended for sharing an article about the Talmud. That should tell you everything about this 'scandal'.
Phew that's sorted then as hes not biased in any shape of form