Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
I don't think anyone doubts he shouldnt have gone. He had been building links in the Jewish community and the sensible thing to do (not something he's famed for) is to stay away and that would have been the polite thing (not something he's famed for) to do too, having been asked by the organisers.


It should worry people. The whole process is filmed by his camera man and he really didn't do anything wrong (in this instance) and it does set a worrying precedent really if an organiser of an event can request someone who was 'working' at covering an event to not attend.

It does also only add fuel to the whol 'two tier policing' thing and it does seem to have won him a lot of support as a victim, esp seeing around 20 police hauling him off which was excessive.

Is s35 a new thing? I assume this is used against football fans?
He just chose that cafe for his brekkie at random, did he?