Quote Originally Posted by stevebrickman View Post
Big Brother was running for nearly 20 years- well before social media blew up. How many big brother contestants have killed themselves? If your pointing the finger- it needs to be at twitter/insta and all those other sites that give people the vehicle to facelessly dish out abuse and insults.

The issue is social media.
Does this forum count as social media? You may be using your real name but the majority of people here are faceless. Social media is a tool that brings out the best in some people, the worst in others but considering Piers Morgan will still be on TV tomorrow dishing out abuse and dembethewarrior raised that they overhear comments daily that are unnecessarily unkind then to single out social media is reductive.

It was raised on twitter that this sort of story may be a trigger for other people going through a hard time. This tweet seemed quite good, in my opinion, at speaking to those who may be more vulnerable today:

Stay alive for the people you will become.
You are more than a bad day or year.
You are a future of multifarious possibility.
You are another self at a point in future time, looking back in gratitude that this lost and former you held on.
You are not just THIS you.