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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #2851
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Arguably, this response is trolling. But, I take your lack of words as a lack of an argument. I'll let the casual reader decide on how much weight they'd want to put on your observations which, to put it mildly, seem to be based on you actually reading a newspaper (real or online) and getting a story that confirms your own bias.

  2. #2852
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    So, no link?

  3. #2853
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    "The retired teacher saw Cummins in Barnard Castle whilst he was'isolating' in Durham" - where in Durham was he "isolating" that makes this is an issue?

    When did he pick his daughter up from Berkshire? Was it before or after CummingsGate and the easing of lockdown in England?

    Asking for a friend.
    apparently it was either just before or just after the ban on driving distances was relaxed but form what I saw he wasn't sure, and he definitely contacted and traveled with a person who was isolating at another place and took them into his family which risked possibly infecting either his family or the people in the house he went to to collect her, which despite when he did it was still contrary to the lockdown requirements. So basically he took the risk of contaminating the people in the house in Berkshire or of his daughter contaminating his family in Durham.
    As I have now said 3 times, it doesn't make what Cummins did right but it makes you doubt people when they say things, particularly when its held and altered by the media. That is the main point, that the media spin things so you cannot take anything on face value.

  4. #2854
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    apparently it was either just before or just after the ban on driving distances was relaxed but form what I saw he wasn't sure, and he definitely contacted and traveled with a person who was isolating at another place and took them into his family which risked possibly infecting either his family or the people in the house he went to to collect her, which despite when he did it was still contrary to the lockdown requirements. So basically he took the risk of contaminating the people in the house in Berkshire or of his daughter contaminating his family in Durham.
    As I have now said 3 times, it doesn't make what Cummins did right but it makes you doubt people when they say things, particularly when its held and altered by the media. That is the main point, that the media spin things so you cannot take anything on face value.
    But you don't read the media. You've said this.

  5. #2855
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    But you don't read the media. You've said this.

  6. #2856
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I know you struggle with facts, that is fine. I am just reminding any readers that you have an awful lot of opinions on something that you claim you don't even read.

    Either you are a liar (in that you do read newspapers "real or online")
    Or, you have an anti-media agenda and are cherry-picking examples to back up your anti-media sentiments and biases.

    I can't really see it being anything other than those two things at present.

    Type if you are unable to refute the above
    Type an answer if you are able to refute the above.

  7. #2857
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    I know you struggle with facts, that is fine. I am just reminding any readers that you have an awful lot of opinions on something that you claim you don't even read.

    Either you are a liar (in that you do read newspapers "real or online")
    Or, you have an anti-media agenda and are cherry-picking examples to back up your anti-media sentiments and biases.

    I can't really see it being anything other than those two things at present.

    Type if you are unable to refute the above
    Type an answer if you are able to refute the above.

  8. #2858

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    apparently it was either just before or just after the ban on driving distances was relaxed but form what I saw he wasn't sure, and he definitely contacted and traveled with a person who was isolating at another place and took them into his family which risked possibly infecting either his family or the people in the house he went to to collect her, which despite when he did it was still contrary to the lockdown requirements. So basically he took the risk of contaminating the people in the house in Berkshire or of his daughter contaminating his family in Durham.
    As I have now said 3 times, it doesn't make what Cummins did right but it makes you doubt people when they say things, particularly when its held and altered by the media. That is the main point, that the media spin things so you cannot take anything on face value.
    I'm asking you these questions because you are taking the medias word for it on how they're reporting the "facts" yet questioned everything else preceding the news today.

    You have said yourself that the gentleman in question "saw Cummins in Barnard Castle whilst he was'isolating' in Durham" - I want to know how you know he was isolating in Durham as if you're going to keep saying that the media twist everything, then surely you can see that this could be twisted? Does he even live in Durham?

  9. #2859
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I'm asking you these questions because you are taking the medias word for it on how they're reporting the "facts" yet questioned everything else preceding the news today.

    You have said yourself that the gentleman in question "saw Cummins in Barnard Castle whilst he was'isolating' in Durham" - I want to know how you know he was isolating in Durham as if you're going to keep saying that the media twist everything, then surely you can see that this could be twisted? Does he even live in Durham?
    I guess.

  10. #2860
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    So you are a liar with an anti-media agenda. Thanks for confirming.

  11. #2861
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I'm asking you these questions because you are taking the medias word for it on how they're reporting the "facts" yet questioned everything else preceding the news today.

    You have said yourself that the gentleman in question "saw Cummins in Barnard Castle whilst he was'isolating' in Durham" - I want to know how you know he was isolating in Durham as if you're going to keep saying that the media twist everything, then surely you can see that this could be twisted? Does he even live in Durham?
    I said Cummins was isolating in Durham (County) not the man who saw him, it never occurred to me that the chap didn't live local in Barnard Castle (Co Durham) and was in his local area when he saw Cummins. But he did admit that he drove 250 miles to collect his daughter from Ascot, so if he doesn't live in Durham its must be pretty close if it was that direction.

  12. #2862
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    So you are a liar with an anti-media agenda. Thanks for confirming.
    and you're a multi identity troll.

  13. #2863
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    and you're a multi identity troll.
    And, I suppose on the 7th time of me asking, you can back that up with something factual - right?

    But, with your reputation as a liar with an anti-media agenda I can't say I have much hope of you providing proof to back up any claims you make. You have dismally failed again tonight.

  14. #2864
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    And, I suppose on the 7th time of me asking, you can back that up with something factual - right?

    But, with your reputation as a liar with an anti-media agenda I can't say I have much hope of you providing proof to back up any claims you make. You have dismally failed again tonight.

  15. #2865

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I said Cummins was isolating in Durham (County) not the man who saw him, it never occurred to me that the chap didn't live local in Barnard Castle (Co Durham) and was in his local area when he saw Cummins. But he did admit that he drove 250 miles to collect his daughter from Ascot, so if he doesn't live in Durham its must be pretty close if it was that direction.
    Gotcha. The way you wrote it made it look like you were talking about the witness. My bad

    I'm still unsure as to why you think the media twisted the Cummings story though - whether the "retired teacher" broke the rules or not is irrelevant. His version of events that he told The Sun/The Guardian turned out to be 100% true - as Cummings admitted.

    The only... I repeat only thing that was inaccurate in all of the reporting was the 'second trip' that Cummings supposedly made and it was never printed as fact.

    The Mail are now spinning it as though it's all lies and the "retired teacher" cannot be a good witness because of irrelevant facts, which you seem to be projecting too - but that would mean that you're taken in by their spin of it, which you say you're sceptical of. I'm getting dizzy now.

  16. #2866
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Thanks for the confirmation that you are making baseless accusations.

    A lying twat with an anti-media agenda who has been making baseless accusations against me for some time. Accusations based on me barely attending games, when I told him why, he continued to make baseless accusations. What a first class thicko, and 8th class troll.

  17. #2867
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Gotcha. The way you wrote it made it look like you were talking about the witness. My bad

    I'm still unsure as to why you think the media twisted the Cummings story though - whether the "retired teacher" broke the rules or not is irrelevant. His version of events that he told The Sun/The Guardian turned out to be 100% true - as Cummings admitted.

    The only... I repeat only thing that was inaccurate in all of the reporting was the 'second trip' that Cummings supposedly made and it was never printed as fact.

    The Mail are now spinning it as though it's all lies and the "retired teacher" cannot be a good witness because of irrelevant facts, which you seem to be projecting too - but that would mean that you're taken in by their spin of it, which you say you're sceptical of. I'm getting dizzy now.
    I don't think they did, but the second story was spun as the guy admits it was a lie and you expect professional journalists to spot that, if it suited them, ahe Tit about the police speaking to Cummins' family was spun, the reality being that they went there when called by Mr cummins senior to discuss security, nothing to do with Cummins and his trip. Things like that just taint the truth that they are built on.
    But when the shit storm started before I had only read one article and people started to attack me referring to a completely different article. But its over and I have no wish to reignite that.
    And it happens I don't like him anyway, there are some people you can take an instant dislike to just looking at them, and for me he is one of those.
    You would expect the Mail to spin that but it just re-enforces my point about that fact you cannot trust anything today to be the straight truth, it is all spun to suit one agenda or the other.

  18. #2868

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I don't think they did, but the second story was spun as the guy admits it was a lie and you expect professional journalists to spot that, if it suited them, ahe Tit about the police speaking to Cummins' family was spun, the reality being that they went there when called by Mr cummins senior to discuss security, nothing to do with Cummins and his trip. Things like that just taint the truth that they are built on.
    But when the shit storm started before I had only read one article and people started to attack me referring to a completely different article. But its over and I have no wish to reignite that.
    And it happens I don't like him anyway, there are some people you can take an instant dislike to just looking at them, and for me he is one of those.
    You would expect the Mail to spin that but it just re-enforces my point about that fact you cannot trust anything today to be the straight truth, it is all spun to suit one agenda or the other.
    I feel like you keep glossing over the point I'm making - why do you keep saying that the Cummings story was "spun"?

    Out of everything that was reported there was one inaccuracy - and that appears to be because the so-called witness went to some effort with his lie.

    That's not spinning the story - that's printing exactly what happened and being given dodgy information by someone.

    Where do you think the "spin" is in this story from the left-wing media?

  19. #2869

    Re: Coronavirus update

    "ahe Tit about the police speaking to Cummins' family was spun"

    Sorry, I didn't address this bit - that wasn't spun either. The Durham police force changed their story after No. 10 denied that the family were spoken to.

  20. #2870
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I feel like you keep glossing over the point I'm making - why do you keep saying that the Cummings story was "spun"?

    Out of everything that was reported there was one inaccuracy - and that appears to be because the so-called witness went to some effort with his lie.

    That's not spinning the story - that's printing exactly what happened and being given dodgy information by someone.

    Where do you think the "spin" is in this story from the left-wing media?
    You misunderstand me, I don't think what he did was spun at all, but other things they then connected to it like the police visit and the second "Sighting" were both inaccurate and one should expect journalists to check the veracity of what they print. What the police actually did should at least have been fairly easy to verify if they had bothered. Or don't you agree? "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story"

  21. #2871

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    You misunderstand me, I don't think what he did was spun at all, but other things they then connected to it like the police visit and the second "Sighting" were both inaccurate and one should expect journalists to check the veracity of what they print. What the police actually did should at least have been fairly easy to verify if they had bothered. Or don't you agree? "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story"
    the person who made up seeing Cummings in co Durham was not the person who originally reported it, just someone who jumped on the bandwagon for a laugh. the original report was valid and has since been confirmed by Cummings himself.
    the mail article made it seem as though the person who has admitted making up seeing Cummings was the original person who made the claim but that isn't true.

  22. #2872
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    the person who made up seeing Cummings in co Durham was not the person who originally reported it, just someone who jumped on the bandwagon for a laugh. the original report was valid and has since been confirmed by Cummings himself.
    the mail article made it seem as though the person who has admitted making up seeing Cummings was the original person who made the claim but that isn't true.
    I never said that. I said the person who reported the first sighting was correct. He is the man who drove to Ascot to collect his daughter from a house when she was isolating and take her to another house where he and his family were isolating.
    The man who reported the second sighting, Mr Matthews was lying. If you have read an article in the daily mail that says different I'd like to see it.

  23. #2873
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I never said that. I said the person who reported the first sighting was correct. He is the man who drove to Ascot to collect his daughter from a house when she was isolating and take her to another house where he and his family were isolating.
    The man who reported the second sighting, Mr Matthews was lying. If you have read an article in the daily mail that says different I'd like to see it.
    Where did you read it?

  24. #2874
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Where did you read it?

  25. #2875

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    You misunderstand me, I don't think what he did was spun at all, but other things they then connected to it like the police visit and the second "Sighting" were both inaccurate and one should expect journalists to check the veracity of what they print. What the police actually did should at least have been fairly easy to verify if they had bothered. Or don't you agree? "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story"
    What police visit? I don't remember that part of the story, sorry. I only remember the police saying that they spoke to the family about self-isolating - number 10 said they didn't speak to the family - then the police said that they spoke to his dad about security matters. If I'm wrong, then I'll accpet that - but I'm having problems finding the reporting of a police visit.

    But if I'm not wrong, then we're having this debate just because someone lied in one part of this story and the media printed it - because he made it look like it was accurate.

    The papers couldn't verify the Barnard Castle visit btw - yet they printed what the witness had told them and after Number 10 vehemently denied it - Cummings came out and admitted it.

    I don't see where the "spin" is in this story at all, sorry. All of the spin has been after the news broke and certain agendas have been trying to poke holes wherever they can so that they can say "if that bit wasn't true - none of it was".

    Just my opinion.

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