Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
If Ampadu keeps his position in the first screenshot instead of getting needlessly attracted the the ball/man, he may have prevented the goal by giving Petkovic no space to lay it off for Vlasic (in yellow) to shoot.

Allen, Rodon and Lockyer are all putting the winger, Brekalo, under pressure and if he had scored on his own from there then it would have been something special. Instead, his pass to Petkovic takes Ampadu completely out of the game.
He's got to close down the player with the ball IMO, cos it's 1 v 1 and their FB had the option to beat his man on either side if the space isn't minimized. The CH should have stepped up and moved closer to player on the edge of the box when he saw Ampadu moving across towards the ball. We don't have a lot of experience in a number of positions, and the counterattack was fairly rapid, so hopefully they will learn from it.