Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
It was reported back in April how effective contact, track and tracing was. It must’ve bypassed our experts or the suggestion was binned in favour of herd immunity which is much cheaper money wise?

The fact none of the respective governments got a grasp on this shows how poor collectively they all are.

I’ll blame Drakeford and Sturgeon for being half arsed and more intent with trying to illustrate Wales and Scotland respectively have their own governments.

I’ll blame The bumbling cuntwaffle for trying to act as Lord and master, being a self serving wanker and generally being a massive ****.

If he’d died of Covid19, it would’ve saved many lives. A sacrifice worth giving and I would’ve contributed to a statue for the floppy haired, ****athon.

Wishing someone dead because you don't like their politics. You must have a lot of hate and anger bottled up in there..