Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Lacking in interest , too busy thinking about anything rather than his work

His attitude lacks maturity and respect for me and my subject

An appalling result, his essays were badly written and an embarrassment to read , I was horrified by this exhibition of bad planning , poor expression and laziness

Lacks concentrated effort

Exam result is indicative of his inability to cope in this subject

Work, behaviour and attitude vary considerably from one day to the next

Attitude is disturbing , he couldn't care less about his work

An able pupil , not particularly interested in learning

Has improved during the term but his behaviour has hindered his progress

Good in some subjects but prone to silly behaviour at times

His seeming lack of interest does not show him in the best light
Is there a reason for you leaving out :-

Focuses upon trying to spot bra outlines though shirts rather than on the lessons

Too preoccupied drooling over female teachers rather than answering their questions

Continually misbehaves so that female head canes him

Caning does not work with this child, leaves the room with a smile on his face, muttering "That saved me £20".

Geometry is a mathematical concept with many varied applications. "Plotting perfect norks" is not one of them.