Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
Right, I'll be brief as I can. 'Man made Climate Change' is one of many manifestations of a paranoid society - the need to worry, fret, have angst etc. They used to call it middle class guilt. It's why the richer west is tearing itself to bits over green issues, forcing decent hard working people to drive expensive electric cars, useless heating systems, inflated utility charges etc. As for CC, it's never, ever remained constant, not even within a 50 year period, the recent example of record cold weather is an example, but watch for example, the BBC, SKY, etc., nearly every single weather report or forecast or news item always contains a reference to climate change - wind, drought, high, low temps, frogs, whatever. Most used to lap it up. Now it's probably fewer than 50% despite it being preached non-stop wherever you are. Even western governments are beginning shift their views as they realise people are beginning to question their religious-like mantra..
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